CFBCI in collaboration with FILIPINO TSINO MAGKAIBIGAN FOUNDATION conducts disaster relief operation in Rizal and Manila 菲華工商總會配合「菲中愛心基金」共同派發救濟品予黎剎省及岷市Sta. Mesa區第六百描籠涯共惠及八百災戶

Several Chinese community organizations including the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) have recently established the Filipino Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation as a collective effort to extend immediate assistance to Filipinos affected by disasters such as Super Typhoon Carina which struck Luzon in the past week. On 01 August 2024, the Foundation in collaboration with CFBCI has distributed relief goods to three areas: Brgy. Banaba and Brgy. Sta. Ana in San Mateo Rizal, and V. Mapa in Manila.

At 1:00 P.M., officers and members of CFBCI led by President Samuel Lee Uy arrived successfully in San Mateo, Rizal to distribute packs of rice, instant noodles, and canned goods to the residents of Brgy. Banaba and Brgy. Sta. Ana who were affected by the heavy rains and flooding caused by the strong typhoon. CFBCI is deeply grateful to the guidance provided by Mr. Gabriel Go who is the current Head of Special Operations Group of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), and councilors of San Mateo, Rizal.

President Samuel Uy took the opportunity to speak with the local residents and relay sincerest sympathies of the organization to those who were gravely devastated by Typhoon Carina. “We could feel how much our kababayans are struggling, so we aim to help them even just a little,” he said. “Let us trust in the Lord that blessings will come to us,” said the optimistic President and all residents applauded in agreement. Other officers of CFBCI were also present at the distribution, namely: Vice Chairman Mylene Co, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Eduardo Ting Tiu, Vice Chairman Ramon Uy, and Vice Chairman Bruce Uy.

At 4:00 P.M., the group was united with other officers at V. Mapa, Manila for another distribution, namely: Vice President Paul Yeung, Director Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, Vice Chairman Ramong Cheng, Vice Chairman Stella Lim, Plenary Member Willy Zapata, and Plenary Member Bernado Lee Ngo.

Leaders of other member-organizations of the Filipino Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation were also present at the turnover ceremony, namely: Dr. Cecilio K. Pedro, President of FFCCCII; Ms. Elaine Chiong, President of Philippine Fujian General Business Association; and Mr. Billy Ang, Vice President of Filipino Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation among others. Fil-Chi Integrated Rescue and Emergency Services also rendered assistance in the distribution.

It was a pleasant day where cooperation among various organizations has helped hundreds of people in need. Seeing the residents smiling in gratitude despite their unfortunate situation only proves that the resilience of Filipinos remain unshakable by challenges. CFBCI is looking forward to visiting more affected localities in upcoming days.


本會配合「菲中愛心基金」發揮「人溺己溺,人飢己飢」的人道救援精神,於八月一日(星期四)下午,相續到黎剎省聖馬特奧市(San Mateo, Rizal)及馬尼拉市聖沓米沙區(Sta. Mesa, Manila)等地,向兩地災戶派發了共八百份救濟品。每份救濟品內有五公斤大米、沙丁魚罐頭、泡麵及咖啡等。

下午一時,本會理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田,董事柯仁義,常務理事莊南文,侯逸蘭、許有福、林文龍、顏漢龍、施惠萍、葉啟龍及理事吳仲漁、呂偉利,同仁許文智與西文秘書梅西卡等人,偕同菲中電視台攝影師,前往黎剎省聖馬特奧市的描籠涯巴納巴及描籠涯聖沓安娜,受到馬尼拉大都會發展委員會特勤隊華裔隊長吳嘉龍(Mr. Gabriel Go)及當地市議員Grace Diaz和市議員Boy Salen的熱烈歡迎,並共同為兩個描籠涯三百戶災民派發救濟品。

隨後於下午三時,理事長黃書瑋一行人馬不停蹄地趕往馬尼拉市聖沓米沙區第六百描籠涯,與「菲中愛心基金」的成員單位:菲華商聯總會理事長施東方博士,洪文檀、黃太陽、柯順慶、吳永堅;菲律濱福建總商會會長莊曉瑋;菲華體育總會副理事長洪金銘等人會合,共同向當地描籠涯主席Rockie Penilla移交五百份救濟品,並親自派發給受災民眾。此次活動共惠及八百個災戶民眾。


上圖:向黎剎省聖馬特奧市的描籠涯巴納巴及描籠涯聖沓安娜災民派發救濟品(左起)梅西卡,侯逸蘭,顏漢龍,Boy Salen市議員,Grace Diaz市議員,黃書瑋,吳嘉龍市議員,葉啟龍,林文龍,許文智,許有福。
中圖三:(左圖)本會領導同仁與「菲中愛心基金」的成員單位代表,向馬尼拉市聖沓米沙區第六百描籠涯Rockie Penilla主席(穿紅衣者)移交五百份救濟品。