CFBCI hosts the 5th Customs Industry Advisory and Consultative Council (CICAC) Meeting, attended by almost 300 individuals from foreign chambers, top companies, and prominent industry groups 菲華工商總會主辦第五次海關諮詢與顧問委員會議討論主要議題:簡化海關業務和加強行業合作事宜

On 05 July 5, Friday, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by President Samuel Lee Uy hosted the 5th Customs Industry Advisory and Consultative Council (CICAC) Meeting at the Diamond Ballroom of Diamond Hotel Manila. The CICAC, chaired by the Bureau of Customs (BoC) Commissioner, Hon. Bienvenido Y. Rubio, was graced by the attendance of BoC deputy commissioners and other officials as well as at most 300 individuals from foreign chambers, top companies in the Philippines, and prominent industry groups.

Along President Samuel Lee Uy, other officers and members of CFBCI attended the event including Honorary President Stephen Tan Sia, Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Willy Chuakimtong, Vice President Vicente Co, Vice President Antonio Tan, Director William Rogando, Director Edwin John Ty, Vice Chairman Jimmy Ang, Vice Chairman Richard Yao, Vice Chairman Ramon L. Uy, Vice Chairman Bruce Uy, Vice Chairman Stella Lim, Plenary Member Sheryl Tiu, and Plenary Member Cary Chua.

At 11:00 a.m., an exclusive meeting between officials of CFBCI and the BoC was held at the Ruby Room to discuss pertinent topics such as demurrage charges, valuation of goods, smuggling, and several other importation concerns. President Samuel Uy thanked Commissioner Rubio and 14 other officials of the BoC for generously answering the inquiries forwarded by the members of CFBCI. He then assured the Bureau that the organization will continue to support their initiatives and reforms for better trade facilitation in the country. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 n.n. and everyone headed to the Diamond Ballroom for the luncheon along with the attendees of CICAC meeting.

At around 1:00 p.m., the 5th CICAC Meeting commenced and President Samuel Uy was given the opportunity to deliver the opening remarks. In his speech, he said: “We are very honored to become a part of CICAC. We believe that by being a part of this council, “mas marami kaming matutulungan.” Since its establishment in February, CICAC has proven its effectiveness as an avenue through which customs-related concerns are relayed, assessed, and resolved.”

Moreover, President Samuel Uy emphasized that CICAC is one of the strongest testaments that the public and private sector collaboration can bring forth huge developments in our nation. Everyone applauded his excellent speech, and Commissioner Rubio deeply appreciated his reassurance that the 400-strong membership of CFBCI will be supporting the BoC in its innovative, inclusive, and prosperity-propagating agenda.
During the meeting, a handful of topics were given attention including the grand launching of the ATA Carnet System to be held on 15 July 2024, updates on the CICAC’s Manifesto of Support to resolve the BoC legal case, omnibus lifting of the preliminary suspension of customs brokers, reduction of the duration of cargo clearance process, and may more. An open forum was also facilitated by BoC Director John Simon (Internal Administration Group) to allow members of CICAC ask questions and forward their concerns to the Bureau.

Nearing towards the end of the meeting, CFBCI officers presented a token of appreciation to Commissioner Rubio - a golden auspicious dragon figurine which symbolizes CFBCI’s well wishes for greater prosperity and fortune to BoC. The Commissioner received the token with utmost gratitude and expressed his overwhelming thanks to CFBCI for hosting the event.

Everyone was satisfied with the outcome of the meeting: new connections were made, customs-related concerns were addressed, and the friendship between the industry leaders and the Tsinoy community was enhanced. All are looking forward to the next CICAC Meeting to be held on 30 August 2024, hosted by the Philippine Exporters Confederation (PHILEXPORT).

菲華工商總會訊:由本會所主辦的第五次海關產業諮詢與顧問委員會(Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council簡稱CICAC)會議,於二零二四年七月五日(星期五)假座馬尼拉鑽石大酒店宴會廳隆重召開,由海關關長比恩韋尼多‧盧比奧(Bienvenido Y. Rubio)主持,有將近三百位海關局高層、外國商會、國內商會代表、農業部門及著名企業家出席參加。會議重點討論了海關程式優化、ATA Carnet 的實施以及 CICAC 新成員的宣誓事宜。


