CFBCI hosts LSMS for scholars in the month of August菲華工商總會為「點亮未來」受助生舉辦八月份生活技能交流培育研討會

In the month of August, resonating with the essence of National Heroes Day, a transformative event – Life, Skills, and Motivational Seminar (LSMS), hosted by the esteemed Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), converges the CFBCI Scholars both in person and virtual participants from Cagayan, Batangas, and Isabela on the 20th of August 2023 taking place at Tower 1 in Binondo, Manila.

This seminar serves as a modern-day tribute to heroes, providing a platform for emerging minds to forge their own paths and embrace their potential through dynamic set of discussions: a debate that delves into the US vs. China powerplay, a talk that unveils nine steps to success, and an inspirational talk that intertwines mathematical principles with personal growth insights.

The seminar commenced with the serendipity, taking the form of a thought-provoking debate under the theme of “WHEN TWO GIANTS CLASH: AN INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION ABOUT US-CHINA POWERPLAY." Divided into teams representing PRO-US, ANTI-US, and PRO-PEACE viewpoints, three scholars each, the discussion unfolded with an emphasis on respectful engagement and decorum.

As scholars exchanged insightful perspectives, they left behind a trail of informative discourse, setting the stage for further enlightenment among CFBCI scholars. Some of the points raised by the scholars are: “Pinili po namin yung pro-peace dahil naniniwala po kami na ang kapayapaan ang sagot sa lahat ng problema dito sa ating bansa." – a PRO PEACE scholar said. “China is a center od obligation. US doesn’t have that power against what china has… China is really developing fast." – from an ANTI-US scholar. “We highly believe that the united states have been impacting us since 1900s, they have helped us with our education… US is the center of globe as of now, they are becoming the standard setter for third world countries" – uttered by PRO-US scholar.

Following the spirited and engaging debate, the spotlight shifted to our esteemed CFBCI Director, Mr. William Rogando, who passionately guided the scholars through the transformative “nine steps to success." Like a master storyteller, Mr. Rogando unraveled these steps that hold the potential to shape the scholars’ destinies. The journey begins with “Checking Your ID," inviting scholars to explore their influences and understand their own psyche. Through “Creating Your Vision," they are encouraged to dream big and identify their unique qualities. With each step, from “Developing Your Travel Plan" to “Committing to Your Vision," the roadmap to success becomes clearer, firmly anchoring aspirations in reality.

Overall, the journey involved learning about yourself, setting goals, and making clear life plans. They talked about being brave in tough times, making friends, and making good choices. All of this led to a message to hold onto your dreams with strong determination.

The day’s enriching discourse continues as Ms. Eloisa Marie A. Piedad, our CFBCI Alumna Batch 2018 and a Certified Public Accountant, takes the spotlight. Being a graduate of BS Accountancy from PUP Sta. Mesa herself, the talk revolves around “Mathematics of People," a fusion of mathematical concepts with human behavior.

Using the M.D.A.S. idea, she combines math with our feelings. Multiplication is about making things bigger as she aligns multiplication with the law of leverage, elaborating on how each connection made multiplies opportunities. Division is about fear of losing diving into our fear of separation and rejection, echoing the innate human desire for acceptance.

Addition adds good things and elaborating on the “addition" of value to life, embracing mindfulness, self-awareness, and a multitude of elements that contribute to holistic growth. And, subtraction, a principle not just of reduction but also of transformation as it is to subtract complications, pride, and laziness, inviting them to witness the resulting difference—a testament to the impactful discourse they’ve just experienced. This helps us see how people interact and understand ourselves better.

Following the really beneficial and engaging address from our speakers, everyone prepared themselves to have their snacks and lunch to eat altogether before leaving the office. The CFBC Chorale held its another practice for the upcoming CFBCI Graduation Ceremony.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於八月二十日(星期日)上午,假八樓禮堂為「點亮未來」助學方案的受助生舉辦生活技能交流培育講座,講座內容著重於培養學員的道德思想,個人素質和生活技能的提高以及良好生活習慣的養成,陶冶身心。當天出席的學員包括Batangas 和Isabela的外省受助生遠程觀看臉書現場直播,和馬尼拉市受助生共一百五十四位。本會出席的領導有:董事杜祖蔭,常務顧問曾煥眉,理事留牡丹和理事張其安。



接下來進入當天的修養講座,主講人是二零一八年畢業於菲律濱理工大學(PUP Sta. Mesa),主修會計系,現已是一名註冊會計師的受助生Eloisa Marie A. Piedad女士。講座題目:「人文的數學」。以數學概念與人類行為相融合,將數學與我們的情感相結合起來。例如:「乘法」是關於使事情變得更大,主講人將乘法與杠杆原理結合起來,闡述了建立的每一個聯繫是如何使機會成倍增加的。「除法」含義是害怕失去,這與我們害怕分離和被拒絕的心理吻合,呼應了人類與生俱來渴望被接納的心理。「加法」增加美好的事物,如增加生命的價值,包括正念、自我意識和有助於整體成長的多種元素。而「減法」不僅是減少的原則,也是轉變的原則,因為它是減去複雜性、驕傲和懶惰,這有助於我們更好地瞭解人與人之間的互動,並更好地瞭解自己。主講人以她的數學專業結合人文的新穎又另類的比擬方式,讓人耳目一新。


上圖:(左起)曾煥眉,Eloisa Marie A. Piedad,杜祖蔭,張其安分別主講致詞之影。
中圖:向主講人頒贈感謝狀(左起)曾煥眉,張其安,杜祖蔭,Eloisa Marie A. Piedad,留牡丹,Mexica Bausa。
下圖:主講人Eloisa Marie A. Piedad演講現場。