CFBCI facilitates a seminar for scholars about how to build one’s unique path in life 菲華工商總會為受助生舉辦講座 學習如何打造自己獨特的人生路

On July 16 (Sunday), the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) organized a Life Skills and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) for Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholars at the 8th floor auditorium. The seminar focused on the development of moral values, personal qualities and life skills, as well as the development of good living habits, which will help to cultivate the body and mind of the participants. A total of 76 students attended the seminar. The leaders present were: Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Executive Advisor Richard Alviar, Board Members Linda Lao and Jefferson Cheng.

This month's speaker was Ms. Janine Espinola, who graduated from Polytechnic University of the Philippines in 2018 with a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy. The topic of the talk was “Applying the 4Hs: Honesty, Humility, Harmony, and Helpfulness in Building Your Unique Life Path". Participants are encouraged to go beyond boundaries and unleash their full potential.

As an alumnus of the Organization’s grantees, Ms. Janine resonated with the participants and recognized the importance of holistic development of the mind and body to achieve success. Drawing on her personal experience, she shared how our grant had a profound impact on her life, not only academically, but also in developing her character and leadership skills, molding her into a productive human being.

At the beginning of the seminar, Janine introduced the day's theme, which are the cornerstones of human growth, the 4H's: Honesty, Humility, Harmony and Helping Hand.

“Honesty" is the first of the 4H's. When the trainees apply for the Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship grant, they are required to disclose their personal information, fill in the details truthfully, and attend an interview, which is scrutinized and verified to be true, and they will eventually be accepted.

“Humility" is the second of the 4H's. It is a virtue of character, not being proud or arrogant. By becoming a scholar, humility is cultivated through mutual help and support. In addition to academic achievement, cooperation and camaraderie are crucial to success. Accepting help from others is not a sign of weakness. A humble person knows his or her own self-worth and does not think less of himself or herself.

“Harmony” is the third of the 4H's. As students pursue their academic and personal ambitions, they are encouraged to reflect on their own self-worth, and not to look down on others or feel superior because of their own high level of achievement. Be empathetic and remember that there is a world outside of ours.

The last of the 4H's is “Helpfulness", which stands for giving and providing help and doing useful things to change one's quality of life. CFBCI does not ask for anything in return for the support of our scholars in completing their studies. We should be thankful for the benefits we receive and present them in another way to give back to others. As the saying goes, when you give away roses, your hands will smell good. Helping others is actually helping ourselves.

Finally, Ms. Janine advised the participants that regardless of their status and position, they should always strengthen self-discipline on themselves, and only by continuously strengthening self-discipline can we prevent the occurrence of problems.

EVP Samuel Uy gave a speech of encouragement after the seminar. He told the students to thinking more about others and less for themselves. Students should communicate with each other, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, promote each other, complement each other, and make progress together. Cherish this learning opportunity which is not easy to come by.

The whole seminar was lively, interesting, easy to understand and interactive. The scholars were very touched and learned a lot after listening to the speakers.


本月主講人是二零一八年畢業於菲律濱理工大學(Polytechnic University of the Philippines),榮獲會計學士學位的受助生Janine Espinola女士。講座題目:「在打造自己獨特的人生道路時應用 4Hs的原則:誠實(Honesty),謙遜(Humility),和諧(Harmony)和樂於助人(Helpfulness)」。鼓勵學員超越界限,並釋放自身全部的潛力。


「誠實」,是 4H中的第一個,當學員們申請菲華工商總會「點亮未來」助學金時,他們需要披露個人信息,如實填寫詳細資料,並參加面訪,經過審核,確認情況屬實,最終將獲得錄取。

「謙遜」,是 4H 中的第二個,它是一種品性美德,不驕傲、不自大。通過成為「點亮未來」受助生後,謙遜在於培養學員之間的互助和支持。在這個大團體內,除了學術成就外,合作和相互支持對於成功是至關重要的一環。接受他人的幫助並不是軟弱的表現。謙卑的人知道自我價值,不看輕自己也不高看自己。

「和諧相處」,是4H 中的第三個,它包含的是一種思想。當學員們在追求學術和個人抱負時,同時鼓勵反思自我價值觀,不要因為自己的高成就,就看低別人,有了高高在上的感覺。要有同理心,並切記天外有天,人外有人。





上左圖:(上至下)黃書瑋、Janine Espinola致詞、 主講之影。



下圖:向主講人頒感謝狀(左起)張其安,黃書瑋,Janine Espinola,曾煥眉,留牡丹。