CFBCI facilitates a leadership training program for its scholars 菲華工商總會點亮未來受助生成功舉辦團建活動以體驗式學習全面領導力培訓

Since the establishment of its college scholarship program, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has been facilitating a monthly Life Skills and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) for the recipients of the program to foster holistic growth and help them acquire new knowledge and skills. In the month of March, for the first time, the LSMS was transformed into a one-day leadership training program with theme “Trouble to Triumph: Overcoming Obstacles, Embracing Synergy." Through the collaboration between CFBCI, its current scholars and alumni, the program was successfully held on 17 March 2024 at the CFBCI 8th Floor Auditorium.

A total of 106 current scholars and alumni participated in the program. CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy, Director/Treasurer Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, and Vice Chairman Mylene Co were present at the event to cheer on the scholars and present the awards.

Before the commencement of the seminar, Mr. Alviar asked the scholars who attended the CFBCI 13th Biennial National Convention at Manila Hotel to share their experience. One of the volunteers said that she deeply appreciates the experience of meeting new people and communicating with the esteemed guests in the event. Moving on with the program, the facilitators tasked the teams with creating a chant and designing a team flag within a 15-minute time frame, providing all necessary materials. Each team enthusiastically showcased their creativity and teamwork, producing unique and impressive results for their assigned tasks.

Afterwards, the facilitators organized a lively Zumba session for everyone to enjoy as a warm-up before diving into the games. By getting everyone moving and loosening up their muscles, this activity not only helped prevent injuries but also boosted energy levels and set a vibrant tone for the upcoming challenges. The games titled “Blindfolded Puzzle”, “Human Centipede”, “Electric Limbo”, “The Floor is Lava”, and “Leap of Trial and Error” each tested the coordination, communication and teamwork skills of the participants.

After more than two hours of brain-twisting and heart-pumping activities, the scholars were able to show off their skills, and the intense games that they couldn't stop playing finally came to an end. Each team had a discussion to share their experience in the activity, and reflected on the  effective methods other teams had in the games that they could learn from.

Ms. Melonick D. Casipe, a CFBCI college scholarship program alumna, then spoke about the significance of each game, the lessons to be learned, the skills to be acquired, and how to enhance one's leadership skills. The team behind the organization of the event created a summary video, emphasizing each exciting moment in the video and displaying it as the final highlight of the whole event.

The President of the Board of Directors, Samuel Lee Uy, said that today's leadership training is a valuable program for all participants. Through the team-building activities, collective coordination, interpersonal leadership skills, and problem-solving skills of the scholars could be enhanced. The attending CFBCI officers also encouraged the participants to integrate the skills learned into their lives to better face the challenges in life.

Last but not least, the winners were awarded. Team Kakampink was the champion, Team Red light won first place, and Team Black Wonder won second place. Each member received medals and certificates and tokens from our generous officers. After a morning of intense activities, although the students were tired, everyone had a smile on their face, and this activity was a great success.





隨後,由學友會成員Melonick D. Casipe為學員們分析每一項遊戲的意義、需要學習的教訓、獲得的技能,及如何提升個人的領導能力等。組織活動的幕後團隊即時製作了一個總結視頻,把每個精彩瞬間編輯在視頻裡,展示出來,成為整場活動的最後亮點。


最後進行動人心魄的重頭戲:頒獎典禮;Kakampink 粉紅隊榮獲冠軍,Red Light 紅隊獲得亞軍,Black Wonder黑隊獲得季軍。每隊獲獎成員都受頒獎章、證書和獎品。學友會成員Melonick個人還捐贈獎品給冠軍隊伍。邀請理事長黃書瑋及出席領導和學友會成員一起上台頒獎,並集體合影留念。




右圖由上至下:理事長黃書瑋為冠軍Kakampink 粉紅隊,亞軍Red Light 紅隊和季軍Black Wonder 黑隊頒獎。
