CFBCI donates school items to four public schools in Navotas City 菲華工商總會向Navotas市四所公立小學捐贈文具用品

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has donated more than 1,000 school items to four public elementary schools in Navotas City at the request of Mayor John Reynald Tiangco at the beginning of the school year.

In the morning of August 30th (Wednesday), President Stephen Sia, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, and Chairman Henry Tiu went to the North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School in Navotas for the turnover ceremony.

Mayor John Reynald Tiangco; Vice Mayor Tito M. Sanchez; Dr. Meliton P. Zurbano, Superintendent of the City School Division; Ms. Eloisa Sanchez, SDO Representative; Ms. Maria Cristina S. Bayong, Principal of North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School; and Ms. Jasmine L. Senson, Principal of North Bay Boulevard South Elementary School; were also present at the ceremony. School item kits were distributed to the Grade 1 students of the two schools.

In his speech at the donation ceremony, President Sia said, “as a business organization, we support the Department of Education’s (DepEd) new agenda by broadly promoting the right of every Filipino to a quality, equitable, culturally based and complete basic education. We hope that this small gesture of goodwill will help students study and inspire them to learn with the utmost enthusiasm and joy.”

Mayor Tiangco, in his speech, thanked CFBCI for the generous donation and encouraged every student that they must study hard to achieve their dreams and that he strives to ensure that all young Navoteños are in schools.

In his speech, Dr. Zurbano said that he believes that education is the cornerstone of progress and that when young people are well educated, crime decreases and the nation’s growth increases. “Our schools are cradles of values and competencies that our young students will inherit as they age,” he emphasized.

Ms. Bayong and Ms. Senson both said: “We are very grateful for the kindness of the CFBCI. With new school supplies, our students will definitely be inspired to work harder. Thank you for being a part of our students’ journey to realize their dreams.”

In summary, the Handog Balik-Eskwela project of CFBCI has donated school supplies to Bagumbayan Elementary School, Bangkulasi Elementary School, North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School and North Bay Boulevard Elementary School. The donations received sincere thanks and high appreciation from the teachers and students of the schools as well as the local community.

菲華工商總會訊:本會應那莫沓示市市長John Reynald Tiangco辦公室的要求,在開學之際向該市四所公立小學一年級新生,捐贈了一千多份文具用品。八月三十日(星期三)上午,理事長謝國萬,副理事長曾國強、楊良田,常務理事許有福前往那莫沓示市(Navotas) North Bay Boulevard North小學進行移交儀式。

那莫沓示市市長John Reynald Tiangco,副市長Tito M. Sanchez ,市府學校分部主管Meliton P. Zurbano博士及North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School校長Maria Cristina S. Bayong女士和North Bay Boulevard Elementary School校長Jasmine L. Senson 女士出席了移交儀式並致詞。現場向上述兩所公校的小一學生發放文具包。


市長John Reynald Tiangco在致詞時對本會的慷慨捐贈表示感謝,並鼓勵每一個學生,必須學習以實現自己的夢想,我們渴望所有的那莫沓示市年輕學子都能接受教育。
Meliton P. Zurbano博士致詞時說到,我們相信教育是進步的基石,當年輕人受到良好的教育,犯罪將會減少,國家發展力也會上升。我們的學校是價值觀和能力的搖籃,我們的年輕學子將隨著年齡的增長而繼承。

校長Maria Cristina S. Bayong女士和Jasmine L. Senson 女士同時表示:我們非常感謝菲華工商總會的好意。有了新的學習用品,我們的學生一定會受到鼓舞,更加努力地學習。感謝您參與我們學生實現夢想的旅程。

本次Handog Balik-Eskwela捐贈學習用品分別贈送於Bagumbayan Elementary School、Bangkulasi Elementary School、North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School和North Bay Boulevard Elementary School四所那莫沓示市公立學校。此次捐贈活動獲得學校師生和當地民眾的誠摯感謝和高度讚賞。

上小圖:(左起)謝國萬,市長John Reynald Tiangco,Meliton P. Zurbano博士, Maria Cristina S. Bayong校長, Jasmine L. Senson 校長,分別致詞之影。
中左圖:那莫沓示市長向本會出席同仁頒感謝狀(左起)曾國強,那莫沓示市分管學校教育主管Eloisa Sanchez,Meliton P. Zurbano博士,謝國萬,市長John Reynald Tiangco,Maria Cristina S. Bayong校長,Jasmine L. Senson 校長,副市長Tito M. Sanchez ,楊良田,許有福。
中右圖:向North Bay Boulevard North Elementary School小學一年級新生發送文具包。