CFBCI donates PH flags to Quezon City Hall in celebration of National Flag Days 菲華工商總會迎接獨立節贈計順市政府百面新國旗

On 28 May 2024 (Tuesday), the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) represented by Honorary President Stephen T. Sia and Director Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, facilitated the turnover of one hundred (100) Philippine flags to Quezon City Hall. Mayor Joy Belmonte and Ms. Maria Teresa A. Tirona, Officer-In-Charge, Quezon City Tourism Department attended the turnover.

CFBCI has been keeping its tradition of donating Philippine flags to several municipalities and cities in order to promote patriotism among Filipinos, especially during the National Flag Days. The donated flags will be displayed in appropriate areas such as government offices, schools, hospitals, and public plazas with the hopes of affirming the flag’s symbolism of equality, freedom, and valor.

As a symbol of gratitude for the donation, Mayor Belmonte gifted CFBCI with the City’s 85th Anniversary Celebration Coffee Table Book.

菲華工商總會訊:本會為迎接即將到來的菲律濱獨立節,名譽理事長謝國萬及董事柯仁義代表本會,於五月廿八日(星期二)上午,前往計順市政廳,向市長貝爾蒙特(Mayor Josefina “Joy” Belmonte)贈送百面嶄新國旗,受到市長及市政府旅遊局負責人蒂惹娜(Ms. Maria Teresa A. Tirona)等人熱情接待。


