CFBCI donates PH flags to PMCI 菲華工商總會嗎拉汶建市紀念日禮訪文化書院雙方進行座談並贈送新國旗

On 21 May 2024, the Chinese Filipino
Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) visited two cities for its official turnover of
Philippine flags and was received with utmost pleasure by local government
leaders of Navotas and Malabon City.


President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President
Vicente Co, Director Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Eduardo Tiu, Vice Chairman
Peter Chua, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Bruce Uy, Plenary Member
Direck Uy, Plenary Member Nixon Co, Plenary Member Ramon Wong, Plenary Member
Sheryl Tiu, and Member Johnny Chen participated in this series of turnover.


At 11:30AM, CFBCI visited the 66-year
old Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute (PMCI) for the turnover of Philippine
flags, and courtesy meeting with the school's principal sponsor, the Malabon
Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by President Benjamin Chua. The new
school building which is being constructed since 2022 is expected to be
completed on July 2024.


During the meeting, officers and
members of CFBCI were warmly received by Mr. Jason Choa, Chairman of PMCI; Mr.
Thompson Laohianty, Vice President for Administrative Services and Finances;
Mr. Philip Lao, Board Member of PMCI; and faculty. The organization led by
President Uy expressed its full support to the PMCI in its future endeavors for
the benefit of the younger generation.


It was a long and fulfilling day for
CFBCI. Everyone was very glad to contribute in these projects which aim to
foster positive change in the community and strengthen the cooperation between
CFBCI and local education institutions.















