CFBCI donates caps to traffice police brigade菲華工商總會關懷大岷署交警大隊暑期艷陽值勤不易特贈鴨舌帽防曬

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. constantly expresses its concern to the traffic police brigade of Timog, Quezon City through its current and past donations. Nowadays, being on duty is even more difficult for traffic officers due to extremely hot temperature. Because of this, CFBCI donated caps that will protect them from the summer heat.

CFBCI officers namely: President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Director William Rogando, Chairman Henry Junior Tiu, and Vice Chairman Eduardo Ting Tiu visited the traffic emergency station of the MMDA Traffic Police Brigade in Timog, Quezon City on March 21, 2023 to donate a number of caps that will protect the officers during their outdoor duties. Gabriel Christian Go, Executive Vice President of MMDA Special Operations Team and Anti-illegal Operation Team, attended the handover ceremony.

The MMDA Traffic Police Brigade is responsible for traffic management in the Metro Manila area. To alleviate the challenges of traffic police officers working outdoors, CFBCI has donated a number of raincoats to the MMDA over the years, and this time caps were donated to help them in maintaining smooth traffic flow and carrying out rescue missions in the capital.

At the handover ceremony, Deputy Chief of Operations of MMDA thanked the organization for the generous donation and its relentless support to the work of the traffic police officers over the years.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,董事杜祖蔭,常務理事許有福、林文龍於3月 21上午,前往大岷區發展署(MMDA) 交警大隊位於計順市Timog的交通應急站,向該大隊捐贈一批鴨舌帽,幫助大岷區發展署的交警人員在戶外執勤時抵擋夏天的日曬。 MMDA特別行動隊和反非法營運隊執行副隊長吳嘉龍(Gabriel Christian Go)出席移交儀式。


