CFBCI donates 21 new smart TVs to public elementary schools in Isabela 菲華工商總會捐贈廿一台新型智能電視助依莎迷拉公立小學建設「智慧校園」

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has long been committed to enhancing public welfare with emphasis on the importance of education in increasing economic development and catering to the needs of disadvantaged children in remote areas. To help the children of Isabela to keep pace with the needs of 21st Century learning, CFBCI Vice Chairman Antonio Hui who is also a current councilor of Roxas, Isabela donated 21 new 45-inch smart TVs to three public elementary schools.

In the morning of 02 April 2024, Vice Chairman Antonio Hui, Vice Chairman Paulino Ang, and members Aaron Agcaoili, Arnold Coloma, and Johnny Uy went to Lucban-Masigun Elementary School, Lanting Elementary School, and San Rafael Elementary School for the turnover of the smart TVs to the school administrators.

They were warmly welcomed by the school faculty, who said that the donation will vastly improve the school’s learning equipment. They extended their deepest gratitude to the organization for the generous donation.

With the advancement of technology in the 21st Century, more emphasis is placed on innovating teaching strategies -digitalisation of learning resources is the trend. Through this donation, CFBCI hopes to assist teachers in Isabela province to further enhance the knowledge and skills of their students.

菲華工商總會訊:本會長期致力於熱心公益,重視教育在促進經濟發展中的重要作用,關懷偏鄉弱勢學童;為了讓依沙迷拉省公立學校學童們在學習過程,不受環境或資源影響,由本會商務委員會副主任許家璧(亦是現任依沙迷拉省羅哈斯市議員)獻議策劃,對依沙迷拉省羅哈斯市(Roxas, Isabela)的三所公立小學,捐贈二十一台全新四十五英寸智能型電視機。

四月二日(星期二)上午,本會依沙迷拉地區常務理事許家璧,福利委員會副主任洪振山,同仁黃培堂、黃金龍、黃柏森等人先後前往Lucban Masigun 公立小學、Lanting公立小學及San Rafael公立小學,向該三所學校負責人移交了這批智能電視機,受到校方領導的熱烈歡迎,並表示這次的贊助完善了教學設備,有利於教育本地人才,對於學校的幫助非常大,謹代表全校師生向本會致以由衷的感謝。


圖片說明:本會依沙迷拉地區常務理事、同仁分別向Lucban Masigun 公立小學、Lanting公立小學及San Rafael公立小學校領導移交本會所捐贈的二十一台全新四十五英寸智能型電視機。
