CFBCI conducts relief operation for San Juaneños affected by severe flooding during Super Typhoon Carina 菲華工商總會聯合「菲中愛心基金」向仙範市二千颱風受災戶派發救濟品

On 30 July 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) as one of the 32 member-organizations of the FILIPINO TSINO MAGKAIBIGAN FOUNDATION attended the turnover ceremony of relief donation for residents of San Juan City affected by severe flooding during the onslaught of Super Typhoon Carina last week. CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy was very honored to converse with Mayor Francis Zamora, Cong. Bel Zamora, Vice Mayor Angelo Agcaoili, and City Councilors during the official turnover ceremony.

At 10:30 in the morning, Mayor Zamora met the leaders of business organizations comprising the newly established Filipino Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation which aims to enhance the mutual-benefitting relationships between Filipinos and Chinese people. The mayor expressed his sincerest gratitude to the utmost generosity of the Foundation. The relief packs containing rice and canned goods will be distributed soon to individuals displaced by the typhoon.

On 24 July 2024, the Metro Manila Council (MMC) placed the National Capital Region (NCR), including the City of San Juan, under a state of calamity due to the widespread flooding brought by nonstop downpour of rain intensified by Typhoon Carina and the enhanced southwest monsoon or “habagat.” San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora said 14 out of the city’s 21 barangays were affected by flooding and 1,000 residents had been relocated to evacuation centers.

CFBCI is hoping that by amplifying the spirit of ‘bayanihan,’ difficulties brought upon by the disaster will be resolved and victims of the typhoon will return to their normal lives soon. At present, CFBCI has conducted relief operations in various localities in Bulacan, Rizal, and Metro Manila.

菲華工商總會訊:颱風「卡麗娜」(國際名「凱米」)雖然沒有直接登陸菲律濱,但是其所引進的西南氣流仍然對呂宋島北部地區,包括國家首都地區(National Capital Region)各城市造成嚴重的災情,於五天內引發至少十二起土石流和水患,至今造成至少卅八人喪命,並有六十萬人無家可歸,其中三萬五千人緊急前往避難所;本國總共有一百十八個城鎮處於災難狀態(State of Calamity),包括國家首都地區的十六個城市在內,以及獨一的社鎮巴戴洛示;轄屬國家首都地區的仙範市,總共有廿一個描籠涯,其中有十四個描籠涯因不堪颱風「卡麗娜」所帶來的豪雨造成嚴重災情,當時災民均被市政府安排到臨時安置中心。

本會與「菲中愛心基金」為發揮「人溺己溺」的人道救援精神,立即籌資募款,包裝救濟品,並於七月卅日(星期二)上午前往仙範市政府廣場,捐贈二千份救濟品予該市「卡麗娜」颱風受災戶。本會理事長黃書瑋偕同菲華商聯總會理事長施東方博士、中國駐菲大使館公使參事官石磊,及多位菲中愛心基金成員單位代表,共同將該批物資移交予仙範市市長Francis Zamora、眾議員Bel Zamora律師、副市長Angelo Agcaoili等人,並當場派發給災民。
