CFBCI celebrates the graduation of Batch 2023 Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program recipients 菲華工商總會為今年度「點亮未來」大岷區畢業受助生舉辦畢業慶祝典禮

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) is pleased to announce that a total of twenty-nine (29) recipients of its “Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program” have completed their studies and obtained their university degrees with flying colors this year. Nine of them were awarded Magna Cum Laude and four of them were awarded Cum Laude. A warm graduation celebration ceremony was held for them in the morning of September 24, 2023 (Sunday) at the 8th floor auditorium. Certificates and prizes were presented to all the graduates in recognition of their hard work and dedication in overcoming the difficulties of their journey.

The following members of the Organization attended the ceremony: President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Paul Yeung, Director William Rogando, Director Antonio Tan, Senior Adviser Richard Yao, Senior Adviser Esteban Chua, Senior Adviser Joseph Co, Vice Chairman Eduardo Aga Tiu, Plenary Member Linda Lao, Plenary Member Jefferson Cheng, and Plenary Member Ramon Cheng. The ceremony was hosted by Karl Calleja and Joan Tria, members of the Pagharap sa Pangarap Alumni Association.

President Stephen Sia gave a welcome speech, congratulating all the graduates for completing their studies with excellent grades, and hoping that they would continue to live by with the principles and values of CFBCI even after graduation, and to set a good example in sharing the knowledge and skills they have gained with others, and to help others in need to realize their dreams.

He also expressed his admiration theme of this year’s graduation ceremony was “Unleashing Your Potential: Celebrating Successes, Embracing New Paths," that although we can’t see what the future holds for each and every one of us, we can always strive for a brighter tomorrow.

Afterwards, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy introduced the keynote speaker, Prof. Mark Lester “Lec" David Toribio, who is a renowned speaker and university professor. He has also been a motivational speaker for Junior Chamber International Manila since 2013. Prof. Toribio delivered a moving speech to the graduates, urging them to be ambitious and optimistic in life. He said the happiest people don’t necessarily have the best things in life, but they always appreciate what they have.

He said, “don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world, and don’t change your goals, but change your strategies.” He encouraged the graduates to embrace life, not to forget their roots, and to give back to the community in the future.

Patricia Anne Deinla, who graduated from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) as Magna Cum Laude, and Mexica M. Bausa, who graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman) as Cum Laude, spoke on behalf of all the graduates. They said that CFBCI made it possible for them to realize their dream of finishing a degree in a premier university.

“It is with a grateful heart that I am here today to deliver this message on behalf of all the graduates. Allow me to express my deepest gratitude to all the members of CFBCI for their financial assistance and fatherly support for our education. After graduation, we will follow your example and help the needy in any way we can,” Bausa said. Ronna P. Deinla (mother of Patricia Anne Deinla), the parent representative of the graduates, also expressed her gratitude to CFBCI for helping her daughter over the years.

The graduates this year are from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST), Unibersidad de Manila (UDM), Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM), University of the Philippines (UP), and Technological University of the Philippines (TUP).

The graduates presented short videos reflecting on their lives and studies during the ceremony, and the graduates of each institution made souvenirs to be presented to the organization. At the end of the ceremony, the Alumni Association was led by its incumbent President, Rodessa Castro, and all the graduates were inducted into the Alumni Association.

Vice President Paul Yeung delivered the closing speech, encouraging the students to continue to work hard on their education, and that graduation is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey. Mr. Yeung said: “I hope you will dedicate your accomplishments to your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and all those who contributed to your studies. Your journey does not end here, there is still a lot of work to be done to make our society a better place.”

Last but not least, CFBCI would like to thank all the people who worked behind the scenes to make the Graduation Ceremony a success. In addition to presenting certificates and vacuum flasks engraved with the names of the 29 graduates, CFBCI also gifted smartphones to the 13 students who graduated with honors.

菲華工商總會訊:本會「點亮未來」助學方案的受助學生,本年度共有廿九位學員以優異成績完成學業,取得大學學位。其中有九位獲得Magna Cum Laude第二最高榮譽,四位獲得Cum Laude第三最高榮譽成績畢業,成績可喜。本會特於九月二十四日(星期日)上午,假八樓大禮堂為他們舉辦了一場溫馨的畢業慶祝典禮,並向所有應屆畢業生頒發獎狀與獎品,表揚他們克服家境貧窮的困難,努力追求上進的精神。出席慶祝典禮的本會同仁有:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田,董事杜祖蔭、陳華國,常務顧問曾煥眉、李柏林、許經綸,常務理事林文龍,理事張其安、留牡丹、莊南文。

當天的典禮,由點亮未來學友會成員Karl Calleja和Joan Tria主持,理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他祝賀所有應屆畢業生均以優越成績完成學業,希望學員們在畢業後繼續發揚菲華工商總會的理想,以身作則,將自己學到的知識與技能與他人分享,幫助其他有需要的人實現夢想。他說到今年的畢業典禮以「釋放潛能:慶祝成功,擁抱新未來」為主題,雖然我們不能看到你們每個人的未來是什麼樣子,但可以肯定的是,這將會是一個更燦爛的明天。

隨後由本會執行副理事長黃書瑋介紹主講人,Mark Lester “Lec” David Toribio教授是著名的演說家、大學教授。他自二零一三年開始,成為馬尼拉國際青年商會的勵志演說家。Toribio教授向畢業生們發表了動人心魄的演說,敦促畢業生們應有遠大的理想,樂觀面對人生。他表示最幸福的人不一定擁有生活中最好的東西,他們應該欣賞自己擁有的東西。不要讓世界改變你的笑容,要讓你的微笑改變世界。不要改變你的目標,但可改變你的策略。他鼓勵畢業生擁抱生活,不忘初心,將來好好回饋社會。

以第二最高榮譽Magna Cum Laude畢業於菲律濱理工大學(PUP)的Patricia Anne Deinla和以第三最高榮譽Cum Laude畢業於菲律濱大學(UP)的Maxica M. Bausa,代表全體畢業生發表感言。她們表示是菲華工商總會使得她們實現在一流大學學習的夢想。「今天我懷著一顆感恩的心,在這裡代表全體『點亮未來』畢業生致詞。請允許我表示最深切的感謝,感謝為我們的教育提供經濟援助和父親般支持我們的菲華工商總會全體成員。我們畢業後也會以你們為榜樣,以我們力所能及的方式幫助有需要的人。應屆畢業生的家長代表Ronna P. Deinla(Patricia Anne Deinla學員的母親)發言致謝,她感謝本會多年來對她女兒的栽培與幫助,減輕了家庭沉重的負擔。

這次的畢業生畢業於 :菲律濱理工大學(PUP),羅裏藝示科技大學(EARIST),馬尼拉大學 UDM,馬尼拉市立大學(PLM),菲律濱國立大學(UP),菲律濱科技大學(TUP)。畢業生們在典禮上放送了反映他們生活和學習方面的短視頻,每所學府的畢業生分別製作紀念品贈送予本會留念。最後還在學友會會長Rodessa Castro的監誓下,應屆全體畢業生集體加入學友會。




上小圖:(左起)謝國萬,黃書瑋,Mark Lester “Lec” David Toribio教授,楊良田,Patricia Anne Deinla,Maxica M. Bausa,Ronna P. Deinla致詞之影。