CFBCI business forum in Naga City - a definite success 菲華工商總會赴米骨外省巡訪團抵達那牙市與當地華商同仁座談

On October 1, 2023, the eighteen-member delegation of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. comprising of President Stephen Sia, Executive vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Willy Chua Kim Tong, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Henry Lim, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, Vice Chairman Edwin Ty, Vice Chairman Eduardo Aga Tiu, Vice Chairman Zhu Xiao Hua, Plenary Member Jack Wong, Plenary Member Ramon Uy, Member Lili Lagamayo, Member Jacq Ferdinand Wong, Member Dongquan Chen, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong, Secretary Judith Tan, and Liaison Officer Mexica Bausa arrived in the City of Legazpi and was warmly received by their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen. Throughout the day, they hosted a banquet, toured the scenic spots, and held a successful business forum that night.

In the morning of October 2, the Metro Manila delegation visited the Tabaco Pei Ching School and donated two million pesos to subsidize its reconstruction. On the way to Naga City, the delegation made a quick stop at St. John the Baptist Church, the Blu Hotel owned by their colleague, Mr. Ng, and the Tabaco Chinese Filipino Volunteer Fire Brigade, Inc.

The delegation is very thankful to their colleagues from the Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Legazpi and Tabaco for their warm hospitality. Along with good memories, the delegation also brought home local products and souvenirs from their colleagues.

After a two-hour drive, they finally arrived at Avenue Plaza Hotel in Naga City at six o’clock in the evening. The delegation was warmly greeted by Mr. Lim, the regional director of Naga Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and by the local Chinese businessmen. An hour later, a business forum was held in the multi-functional hall of the hotel.

Mr. Stephen Sia, President of the CFBCI Board of Directors, expressed his gratitude to the local Chinese businessmen and Chinese associations for their enduring support and assistance.

Afterwards, Mr. Lim gave a short glimpse of CFBCI’s programs in the region, and Mr. Yap, Secretary General of Naga Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, introduced his local colleagues and leaders of various chambers of commerce in Naga.

Ms. Ellen Chong, CFBCI Chinese Secretary, introduced the members of the delegation and elaborated on the work of CFBCI in the past few years including the implementation of its social service programs. During the forum, the participants spoke enthusiastically to each other and discussed in depth the implementation of CFBCI’s programs in the future.

菲華工商總會訊:本會的外省巡迴訪問團第四站米骨區,由理事長謝國萬帶隊,成員:執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、蔡金東、林天德,常務理事林文龍、鄭奕偉、許福星偕夫人陳莉莉、朱肖華偕女婿陳東權,理事顏漢龍、王輝益偕公子王志龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞,秘書處聯絡吳宛盈,英文外交Mexica Bausa一行十八人,於十月一日乘搭國內航班,飛抵米骨市,獲本會在當地的同仁與華商熱情歡迎,招待接風洗塵,遊覽當地名勝古跡,並於當晚假下榻的酒店Marison Legaspi Hotel多功能廳成功舉辦座談聯誼會。

十月二日上午參觀淡描培青中學,本會慨捐兩百萬菲幣資助該校重建;在乘坐旅遊大巴前往下一站那牙市的路上,參觀了St. John the Baptist Church教堂,和同仁吳煌華主有的酒店The Blu Hotel,及淡描戈菲華志願防火會會所。感恩黎牙實備菲華商會及淡描戈工商會同仁和華商熱情接待,贈送當地土產做伴手禮,讓我們此行收獲滿滿。

經過兩個多小時的車程,於當晚六時抵達那牙市Avenue Plaza酒店,獲得本會在該省地區理事林國勝先生和華商朋友的熱情迎接。是晚七時本會外省巡迴訪問團與當地同仁和商界代表在該酒店多功能廳進行座談聯誼。



下右圖:本會那牙區理事林國勝贈送巡訪團成員當地土產(坐者左起)蔡金東,林天德,黃書瑋,林國勝,謝國萬,曾國強,楊良田。(中排左起)林文龍,陳莉莉,許福星,鄭奕偉,吳宛盈,Mexica Bausa,蔡艷霞。(後排左起)顏漢龍,王志龍,王輝益,朱肖華,陳東權。