CFBCI bags prestigious merit award from World Customs Organization 菲律濱海關局慶二零二五年國際海關節菲華工商總會獲頒世界海關組織榮譽獎

On January 27, 2025, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) President Samuel Lee Uy and Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan received the most coveted certificate of merit from the World Customs Organization (WCO) in recognition of CFBCI’s unwavering cooperation with the Philippine Bureau of Customs and its relentless efforts as one of the founding members of the Central Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council (CICAC). The awarding ceremony was held in the Office of the Commissioner (OCOM) Conference Room, Bureau of Customs, Port Area, Manila.

The program began at 2:30 in the afternoon, with the attendance of various industry leaders and top-ranking officials of the Bureau of Customs led by Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio himself. It was formally opened by some welcome remarks from Director John M. Simon (BOC-Internal Administration Group) in which he emphasized the pivotal role of private stakeholders in championing trade facilitation and inspiring economic growth in the Philippines. “Kayo po ang partner namin,” Director Simon said which was followed by a resounding applause from the crowd.

Afterwards, Commissioner Rubio delivered an international speech expressing his strong belief that there is no better way to celebrate the “International Customs Day 2025” than to commend the 25 pioneer members of CICAC which has greatly contributed in increasing trust and strengthening collaboration between the private sector and the BOC. On February 7, BOC will also be celebrating its 123rd Founding Anniversary with huge appreciation for the significant contribution of its private industry partners.

Then, Coll. Rechilda T. Oquias (Head, BOC-External Affairs Office) explained the background of the Merit Award signed by the Secretary General of the World Customs Organization, Ian Saunders. According to Coll. Oquias, WCO is the largest intergovernmental body aiming to help all customs administrations enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. At present, WCO has 186 members including the Philippines, all of which facilitates 98 percent of global trade.

Originally, this Merit Award is bestowed upon customs officials in recognition of their excellence and professionalism. This year, Commissioner Rubio has requested the WCO to present the award to BOC’s laudable partners from the private sector, particularly the founding members of the Central CICAC. “Customs Delivering on its Commitment to Efficiency, Security, and Prosperity” is the theme of this year's International Customs Day celebration, and the BOC highly believes that the private sector is an important component of this agenda.

CFBCI, represented by President Samuel Lee Uy and Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan, accepted the award with utmost pride, gratitude, and respect to the BOC and the award-giving body, WCO. Definitely, CFBCI commits itself to continue working with the customs agency in upholding professionalism, integrity, excellence, and accountability. Moreover, CFBCI accepts the challenge of BOC to its private stakeholders — to embrace higher standards and continue fostering positive changes in our society.

The awarding ceremony was followed by a message of gratitude by Ms. Olivia Limpe-Aw (Distilled Spirits Association of the Philippines) and a toasting ceremony. Then, all attendees enjoyed a sumptuous buffet prepared by the BOC.

Congratulations, CFBCI, for another milestone! Long live the Bureau of Customs! Long live the World Customs Organization!

菲華工商總會訊:菲律濱海關局於一月廿七日(星期一)假馬尼拉市海關局總部慶祝國際海關節或國際海關日,由局長韋尼多.盧比奧(Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio)親自主持,並於會中頒贈世界海關組織(World Customs Organization簡稱WCO)表揚狀予本會及其它海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會(Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council簡稱CICAC)共廿五個核心成員。本會理事長黃書瑋、執行副理事長曾國強及多位政商名流、商會或組織代表,均受邀出席,場面即莊嚴又溫馨。


海關局內部行政處處長約翰‧西蒙(John Simon)致歡迎詞時,讚揚本會與其它海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會成員在倡導貿易便利化和激勵菲律濱經濟成長方面發揮了非常關鍵的作用,並表示大家都是菲律濱海關局的最佳工作夥伴。

韋尼多.盧比奧局長致詞時表示,他堅信,慶祝 「二零二五年國際海關節」的最好方式,就是表揚海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會的廿五個核心組織成員,是你們的支持,有效地增強公私立部門之間的互相信任,並且為國家經濟發展做出了巨大貢獻。他也指出,海關局即將於二月七日慶祝成立一百廿三週年,屆時希望各成員單位都能出席慶典共襄盛舉。

海關局外事辦公室主任Collector Rechilda T. Oquias向所有與會人士闡述世界海關組織秘書長Ian Saunders簽發表揚狀的意義,並指出,世界海關組織是一個幫助各成員國在海關事務方面進行溝通和協作的政府間組織,目前包括菲律濱在內總共有一百八十六個成員國。



上圖:本會出席領導上台接受榮譽獎狀。(左起)情報隊副局長Juvymax Uy少將,清關後審計隊副局長Vincent Philip Maronilla,港口營運處處長Clarence Dizon律師,黃書瑋,韋尼多.盧比奧局長,曾國強,約翰‧西蒙處長,馬尼拉港口關務長Alexander Gerard E. Alviar。