CFBCI attends the Lucky Chinatown Mall Christmas Lighting Ceremony 2022 菲華工商總會謝國萬出席美加廣場2022聖誕節各項慶祝活動亮燈儀式

Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) President, Mr. Stephen Sia, accompanied by Secretary Mr. Henry Go, was invited to attend the 2022 Christmas Celebration Lighting Ceremony held at the Atrium of Lucky Chinatown Mall on November 11, 2023 to officially kick off the Christmas celebration. The mascot of Lucky Chinatown Mall was launched at the ceremony. The mascot “Baby Panda” was also presented to entertain the guests, and leaders of Chinese community groups were also invited to join the celebration.

Manila Vice Mayor Yul Servo Nieto attended the ceremony and gave a speech reminding the public that despite the decrease in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Manila, it is still important that we celebrate Christmas in a meaningful and safe manner by following the pandemic prevention rules. Finally, he wished all Filipino families a peaceful and joyful holiday season.

Ms. Jocelyn Melitante, the mall manager, welcomed everyone and announced the official launch of this Christmas’ themed event, “Gamezilla Holidays". This year, Lucky Chinatown Mall’s Christmas celebration will bring out the child in everyone through classic games and activities that will bring back the feeling of childhood. Lucky Chinatown Mall will not only offer pre-Christmas shopping privileges for customers, but will also present concerts, mascot shows, and other exciting events.

Mr. Stephen Sia, together with other distinguished guests, pressed the button to light up the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and the lights around the mall. One of the most recent events that we have partnered with Lucky Chinatown Mall is the SME Fair held last September 2022 also in conjunction with the Department of Trade and Industry.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬在立案秘書吳恆利陪同下,應邀出席美加廣場於十一月十一日下午四時在美加廣場中庭舉辦的二零二二年聖誕節各項慶祝活動亮燈啟動儀式,正式開啟美加廣場聖誕佳節的慶祝活動,現場佈置以復古經典的巨型Game Boy和魔術方塊藝術製作出龍的圖案,成為商場的另類亮點。美加場廣的吉祥物「寶寶」熊貓娃娃也在現場娛樂賓客,華社有關團體負責人也應邀出席,共襄盛舉。

馬尼拉市副市長Yul Servo Nieto出席儀式並致辭,他提醒民眾,儘管馬尼拉市的新冠病例有所減少,但我們在慶祝聖誕節時仍然必須遵守防疫規定,過一個有意義和安全的聖誕節。最後他預祝所有菲律濱家庭有個和平喜樂的節日。美加廣場經理Jocelyn Melitante女士致詞歡迎來到美加廣場的每個人,並宣佈正式推出這個聖誕節日的主題活動“Gamezilla Holidays”。今年,美加廣場聖誕節慶祝活動,將通過經典遊戲喚起每個人的童心,重溫兒時的感覺,這些活動都將以孩子們為主角,希望來到這裡的顧客能有賓至如歸的感覺,讓每個家庭在經過兩年多疫情後,再次感受到濃濃的節日氣氛,享受這久違的歡樂時光。美加廣場不僅為顧客們安排了聖誕節前購物優惠,並將相繼推出音樂會、吉祥物表演秀等等精彩節目。



上圖:理事長謝國萬與其他貴賓為活動啟動按鈕後合影(左起)美加廣場經理Jocelyn Melitante,副總裁特別方案助理Michael Lao, 馬尼拉市副市長Yul Servo Nieto,謝國萬,商總秘書長顏長江。
