CFBCI attends the inauguration of new members of the Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs & Fire Fighters of the Philippines, Inc. 菲華工商總會領導應邀出席祝賀菲華消防隊員聯合總會新屆就職

Officers of the Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) attended the 36th Anniversary and 34th Inauguration Ceremony of the Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs & Fire Fighters of the Philippines, Inc. held on December 11, 2022 at the Golden Bay Restaurant, where they were seated as guests of honor. Mr. Benjamin Abalos Jr. delivered the Pledge of Allegiance and Senator Cynthia A. Villar of the Philippine Congress was the keynote speaker. Other dignitaries, Chinese organizations and people from all walks of life attended the event with great enthusiasm.

The Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs & Fire Fighters of the Philippines, Inc. has been recognized by the mainstream community for its outstanding contribution to the community through the concerted efforts of its board members and firefighters, who have never forgotten their mission and are constantly dedicated to serving the community. We would like to pay our respects to these firefighting heroes! Kudos to the achievements of the Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs & Fire Fighters of the Philippines, Inc.!

菲華工商總會訊:本會副理事長蔡金東受理事長謝國萬委托代表出席菲華消防隊員聯合總會於二零二二年十二月十一日中午,假金海灣大酒樓舉行慶祝成立三十六週年暨第三十四屆職員就職典禮,並在主賓席就坐。大會由鄭國賓先生擔任主席,王長沙先生榮膺新屆會長,菲律濱共和國內政部長Hon. Benjamin Abalos Jr.擔任監誓員並訓誨,菲律濱國會參議員Cynthia A. Villar擔任大會主講人,中國駐菲使館王悅參讚兼總領事出席並致辭,其他菲政要、華社各團體、各界人士踴躍出席,場面熱烈,盛況空前。


