CFBCI attends the grand opening of Red Dynasty Seafood Restaurant 菲華工商總會領導出席紅朝海鮮酒家開業菲中外名流應邀共襄盛舉並品嚐中式佳餚

On February 11, 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by its President Emeritus, Mr. Alejandro Co (former Honorary President), was invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the Red Dynasty Seafood and Hotpot Restaurant located at the Winford Hotel and Casino, Consuelo St., Santa Cruz, Manila.

The grand opening of the restaurant with a magnificent and elegant interior that can accommodate up to 50 tables of banquets was attended by prominent politicians and businessmen. On behalf of Honorary President Stephen T. Sia (former President), Mr. Co joined the ribbon-cutting ceremony and gave his well wishes to the newly opened restaurant.

In his welcome speech, Red Dynasty Seafood Restaurant’s proprietor, Mr. Hung, thanked all guests for attending the event and said that Red Dynasty is the perfect place for family and friends’ get-together or to celebrate life’s milestones by creating unforgettable memories through delicious food. He also added that the restaurant will offer authentic traditional Chinese cuisine, presented with the warmth and hospitality of the Filipinos.

The event ended with all the guests enjoying the signature dishes prepared by the chefs of Red Dynasty Seafood Restaurant. Attendees praised the restaurant’s unique décor, fresh ingredients, stylish presentation, excellent Chinese cuisine, and commendable service. They unanimously recommended the public to visit Red Dynasty Seafood Restaurant for a wonderful experience.

菲華工商總會訊:本會時任名譽理事長許長安,董事杜祖蔭,常務理事許福星偕夫人、鄭奕偉、林文龍及理事莊南文,於二零二四年二月十一日(星期日)下午受邀出席參加馬尼拉市紅朝海鮮酒家(Red Dynasty Seafood and Hotpot Restaurant)的開業剪綵儀式。政商名流齊聚一堂,場面隆重溫馨,菲華電視台全程跟拍開業盛況。本會時任名譽理事長許長安代表理事長謝國萬到場擔任剪綵嘉賓,並且給予最誠摯的祝福。

紅朝海鮮酒家是由華社殷商洪鐘杰等人所投資,餐廳位於馬尼拉永福大酒店(Winford Resort and Casino Manila)二樓,室內佈置富麗堂皇,高貴典雅,可置辦五十桌宴席。


