CFBCI attends the 62nd Cityhood Anniversary Celebration of Caloocan, receives DONOR’S Award 菲華工商總會出席加洛干建市六十二週年慶 受頒年度「捐贈者獎」楊良田代表接受表揚

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) was honored to attend the Annual Outstanding Citizens Awards (OCA) Night of the City of Caloocan as one of the highlights of its 62nd Cityhood Anniversary Celebration, and more so to receive the DONOR’S Award from Hon. Dale Gonzalo R. Malapitan, Mayor of Caloocan City. The prestigious event was held on February 16, 2024 at the Caloocan Sports Complex.

On behalf of CFBCI, the award was received by Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice Chairman Peter Chua, and Plenary Member Ramon Uy.

Mayor Malapitan said in his speech that the awarding ceremony was held to recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the development of the City of Caloocan. On behalf of the City of Caloocan, he is strongly looking forward to further strengthening ties with these altruistic individuals and organizations.

Vice President Yeung extended his immense gratitude to the City of Caloocan for the Award and assured that CFBCI will continue its collaboration with the City to foster greater progress and prosperity. The whole awarding ceremony was successfully concluded in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

菲華工商總會訊:本會副理事長楊良田,常務理事蔡清景,理事顏漢龍及同仁Eric A. Lazo II代表本會出席加洛干市政府於二月十六日(星期五)下午四時,假加洛干體育中心慶祝建市六十二週年,並舉辦「年度傑出公民」頒獎晚會。本會受頒贈「捐贈者獎」,由副理事長楊良田及理事顏漢龍上台代表接受。

Dale Gonzalo R. Malapitan市長致詞時說,「年度傑出公民」頒獎晚會是為了表揚對加洛干市的發展做出重大貢獻的個人或團體組織,並期盼日後大家能進一步加強與市政府的夥伴關係。


上右圖:加洛干市行政官Aurora Ciego(左)頒贈「捐贈者獎」予本會,由副理事長楊良田(中)、理事顏漢龍(右)代表接受。
中圖:(從左至右)Eric A. Lazo II、顏漢龍、楊良田、眾議員Oscar Malapitan及蔡清景在會場合影。
下圖:(從左至右)Eric A. Lazo II、蔡清景、加洛干市市長Dale Gonzalo R. Malapitan、楊良田及顏漢龍合影留念。