CFBCI attends Prosperity Tree Lighting Ceremony in Binondo; receives an award as a founding member of Filipino at Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation 馬尼拉市華人區春節「富貴樹」點燈儀式 菲華工商總會獲市長拉古那頒贈感謝盾牌

On 24 January 2025, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) joyfully attended the Prosperity Tree Lighting Ceremony at San Lorenzo Ruiz Plaza in Binondo. CFBCI is also grateful to receive a special award from the City of Manila which recognizes its unwavering support for events in celebration of the Chinese New Year.

At 6:00 p.m., this ceremony which was organized by the City of Manila and prominent organizations in the Filipino-Chinese community began. Various political leaders headed by Manila Mayor Maria Sheilah “Honey” Honrado Lacuna-Pangan and Vice Mayor John Marvin “Yul Servo” Nieto graced the event with their attendance. Hon. Jefferson Lau, Chairman of Manila Chinatown Barangay Organization, and Mr. Willord Chua, Chairman of Manila Chinatown Development Council were also present at the event. Representatives from major Tsinoy community organizations and winners of Mr. and Ms. Chinatown Global also attended the cultural event.

Following the lighting ceremony of the Prosperity Tree, Mayor Lacuna presented a seal of appreciation to CFBCI and to all members of the Filipino at Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation for their unwavering support to the local government of Manila’s charitable and cultural activities, especially in celebration of the Chinese New Year. On behalf of CFBCI, Vice President Willy Chuakimtong and Vice President Henry Lo Lim warmly received the award.

After the awarding ceremony, everyone joyfully explored the series of food stalls around the plaza featuring Filipino and Chinese snacks.

The “Filipino at Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation” was formed by 32 major organizations in the Filipino-Chinese community, of which CFBCI is one of the founding members, with the aim of strengthening the friendship between the Filipino and Chinese people.

菲華工商總會訊:乙巳蛇年春節即將到來,馬尼拉市政府、馬尼拉華人區發展委員會及菲中愛心基金一系列的迎春活動,於一月廿四日(星期五)在馬尼拉市岷倫洛花園口廣場正式啟動。當日下午六時,由市長拉古那(Honorable Mayor Maria Sheilah “Honey" Honrado Lacuna-Pangan)、副市長Hon. John Marvin"Yul Servo"Nieto、馬尼拉第三區眾議員蔡促依律師(Atty. Joel R. Chua)、旅遊部助理部長Sharlene Zabala-Batin、馬尼拉市政官洪英鐘(Bernie Ang)、菲華商聯總會理事長施東方、馬尼拉華人區發展委員會主席蔡臻蔚和馬尼拉華人區描籠涯聯合會主席劉少強共同為「富貴樹」舉行亮燈儀式。本會兩位副理事長蔡金東及林天德代表受邀出席,各主要華社團體代表、環球華裔先生小姐和各媒體人員,均到場共同見證這一個充滿文化意義的時刻,所有與會人士互相祝福新春快樂,場面盛大且熱鬧。




下圖:(左起)副市長"Yul Servo"Nieto,市長拉古那,蔡金東,林天德,眾議員蔡促依律師,旅遊部助理部長Sharlene Zabala-Batin。