CFBCI attends Manila Bulletin’s 124th Anniversary Celebration 馬尼拉武力鎮報一百廿四週年慶菲華工商總會諸位領導出席祝賀

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by Honorary President Stephen T. Sia (former President) and other top officers were invited by the esteemed leaders of Manila Bulletin to attend its glamorous 124th Anniversary Celebration at the Manila Hotel. The occasion was held on February 15, 2024 with a huge number of attendees including the First Lady of the Philippines, Marie Louise “Liza" Araneta Marcos, and ambassadors of Greece, Egypt, Romania, Hungary, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Established in 1900, Manila Bulletin’s excellent leadership has transformed the publication into a well-established media network with millions of loyal patrons, making it the most widely circulated, prestigious, and influential newspaper in the country. Thus, it has been a great honor for CFBCI to become partners with such a long-standing vanguard of competitive journalism.

As Manila Bulletin celebrates its 124th Founding Anniversary, CFBCI wishes nothing less of overflowing success and longevity to its partner in promoting initiatives that will positively benefit the lives of Filipinos. The event has ran smoothly with all the attendees joyfully interacting and taking lovely photos with each other.

菲華工商總會訊:本會時任理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,榮譽理事長黃拔來,名譽理事長許長安,名譽副理事長李少平,副理事長楊良田、施茵茵,董事洪香泉及立案秘書吳恆利等人,於二月十五日(星期四)下午,應馬尼拉武力鎮報(Manila Bulletin) 董事局邀請,出席該報假馬尼拉大酒店舉行慶祝成立一百廿四週年酒會。政商名流匯聚一堂,冠蓋雲集,場面盛大熱鬧。菲律濱第一夫人露易絲‧馬科斯及希臘、埃及、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、澳大利亞、馬來西亞、印尼等國駐菲大使,均到場祝賀。


