CFBCI attends Indonesia Expo 2024 organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Manila 菲華工商總會領導同仁應邀出席「二零二四印尼世博會」開幕禮

“BUILD STRONG CONNECTION WITH THE BEST OF INDONESIA IN THE PHILIPPINES" This was the theme of the Indonesia Expo 2024 organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Manila. On behalf of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan, Vice President Antonio Tan, and Vice Chairman Mylene Co attended the Opening Ceremony of this expo on 28 June 2024 at the Palm Drive Activity Center, Glorietta 2 Mall, Makati City.

At the ceremony, CFBCI officials were warmly welcomed by the Indonesian Ambassador, His Excellency Agus Widjojo, Minister Dodo Sudradjat, and Trade Attache Martin Pandapotan. In his welcoming remarks, Ambassador Widjojo said that the exhibition is one of the efforts of the Indonesian Embassy in Manila to enhance mutual understanding, strengthen economic cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines, and promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

He also pointed out that the Embassy has been organizing the expo since 2022 and has been working hard to expand the scope of the exhibition every year in order to provide the best services to the Filipino market and all the exhibitors.

Indonesian Expo 2024 showcased products of Indonesia in the Philippines including various halal foods and beverages, pharmaceutical items, herbal medicine, confectionery, fashion accessories, household products, logistics and surveyor services, healthcare and beauty products, et cetera.

菲華工商總會訊:由印尼駐菲大使館主辦的二零二四年印尼世博會,於六月廿八日(星期五)上午十時,在馬加智市Gloroettta 2商場舉辦開幕式,印尼駐菲大使Agus Widjojo中將(退役)親自主持,主題「在菲律濱與印尼最好的產品建立緊密聯繫」,該展覽為菲律濱市場帶來印尼最好的產品,並為參觀者提供印尼文化體驗。馬加智市長艾比‧敏乃、菲國政要、來自東盟(ASEAN)成員國,東帝汶、巴布亞紐幾內亞、馬紹爾群島、印尼駐達沃總領事館、社會名流及商會代表均蒞臨共襄盛舉,場面隆重盛大。本會執行副理事長曾國強、副理事長陳華民及常務理事侯逸蘭等人,代表受邀出席。

Agus Widjojo大使致歡迎詞時表示,此次展覽是印尼駐馬尼拉大使館為增進印尼與菲律濱之間的相互了解、加強經濟合作所做的努力之一,以促進兩國經濟及文化交流合作。他也指出,印尼駐菲大使館自二零二二年開始舉辦印尼世博會,每年都在努力擴大展覽範圍,以提供菲律濱市場和所有參展廠商最佳的服務。
二零二四年印尼世博會展期從六月廿八日至卅日,參展攤位計有:清真食品和飲料、藥品、草藥、糖製品、時裝和配飾、家居用品、物流與測量服務、保健與美容及文具等,皆是印尼公司在菲律濱市場享有盛譽的產品。當天還準備了各種文化表演、現場樂隊表演和會外活動,如 Angklung 工作坊、烹飪演示、咖啡沖泡和蠟染繪畫等,讓參觀者大飽眼福。

本會與印尼駐菲大使館長期保持友好關係,於二零二三年九月中旬在大使館貿易專員Martin Pandapotan的安排下,前往印尼駐菲大使館禮訪,並受到公使Dodo Sudradjat及大使Agus Widjojo中將等人的熱情接待;同年十月下旬,本會應邀赴印尼萬丹(Banten)省丹格朗縣ICE BSD印尼會展中心參加「第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會」(Trade Expo Indonesia / TEI)等。

上左圖:Agus Widjojo大使致歡迎詞。
上右圖:(左至右)曾國強、Martin Pandapotan專員、Agus Widjojo大使及陳華民在開幕式上合影。