CFBCI attends DTI-NCRO 7th Regional Trade Fair 菲華工商總會領導應邀出席貿工部國家首都區舉辦《第七屆大岷中小微企業商展》開幕儀式

On behalf of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) President, Mr. Stephen Sia, Vice Chairman Richard Yao attended the launching ceremony of the Department of Trade and Industry – National Capital Regional Office (DTI – NCRO) 7th Regional Trade Fair, also known as “Metro Fiesta: Connect, Sustain, Emerge 2023” held on November 22, 2023, 3PM, at the Palm Drive Activity Center Glorietta 2, Makati City.

The event was officially opened by DTI NCRO’s OIC Regional Director, Ma. Sofia G. Narag. Subsequently followed by the inspirational message delivered by none other than the DTI-Regional Operations Group (ROG), Asec. Dominic Tolentino.

DTI- ROG Usec. Blesila Lantayona and Senator Cynthia Villar also extended their messages of support virtually. Both of them emphasized the important role of MSMEs in maintaining a healthy economy, and the significance of government and societal support to these entrepreneurs.

The launching ceremony was participated by DTI-EMB’s Asst. Director—Jhino Ilano, Pateros Councilor—Daisy Reyes, CFBCI Vice Chair—Richard Yao, FAM PH President—Gina Nebrida Ty, Former Regional Directors— Marcelina S. Alcantara and Marilou Toledo.

As a guest of honor, Vice Chairman Yao joined the ribbon cutting ceremony. CFBCI is very grateful for the DTI NCRO’s recognition of our relentless support in promoting locally made products of micro and small entrepreneurs.

With a total of sixty participation Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the event showcased the creative and innovative products from the vibrant cities of NCR from processed foods, wearables, health and wellness products, and home and holiday decor. Through this fair, visitors from various places can discover innovative, sustainable, and high-quality products from talented artisans and small business owners all over the NCR.

菲華工商總會訊:本會常務理事姚慶祕受理事長謝國萬委託,於十一月二十二日(星期三)下午,出席貿工部國家首都區辦事處(DTI-NCRO)假馬加智市Palm Drive活動中心舉行的「第七屆大岷區中小微企業貿易展覽會」Metro Fiesta開幕剪綵儀式。貿工部國家首都區辦事處代主任Sofia G. Narag主持開幕式。貿工部區域營運部部長助理Domingo Tolentino Jr.致詞,貿工部副部長Blesila Lantayona和參議員Cynthia Villar發來視頻祝賀;他們都強調了中小微企業在維持經濟健康發展方面的重要作用,以及政府和社會支持對這些企業家的幫助和意義。本會常務理事姚慶祕作為主賓,參加了剪綵儀式。

此次展會共有六十家微型、小型和中型企業 (MSME) 參與,展示了這些企業充滿活力的創新產品,其中包括加工食品、衣飾、健康和保健產品以及家居和假日裝飾品等。該商展專注於僅業的永續發展和產品的新興趨勢,是發現新品牌和與志同道合的人建立聯繫的絕佳機會,展期共五天。


下右圖:主賓在會場合影(左起)貿工部出口行銷部Jhino Ilano主任助理,貿工部區域營運部Domingo Tolentino Jr.部長助理,前貿工部4A區主任 Marilou Toledo,姚慶祕,貿工部前首都區局長 Marcelina Alcantara,貿商部第一區主任Corona Olivia Rivera。