On 05 September 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), represented by President Samuel Lee Uy and Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, attended the diplomatic reception in celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at Mayuree Ballroom, Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati.
The event was graced by the attendance of the guest of honor, Hon. Enrique A. Manalo, Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Other members of the diplomatic community including His Excellency Huang Xilian, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines; Amb. Charles C. Jose, APEC Senior Official and Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and International Economic Relations of DFA; Archbishop Charles John Brown, the New Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines; high-ranking officials, and prominent business leaders were also present in the celebration thus reaching attendance of four hundred people.
Warmth and camaraderie were strongly felt in the banquet with a variety of national traditional clothes worn by the attendees. The diplomatic reception was also marked by the launching of the logo for the 75th Anniversary of Philippine-Indonesian diplomatic relations and the awarding of the “Friends of Indonesia Award 2024” which was given to its consistent partners in fostering a positive impact in further strengthening the friendship between Philippines and Indonesia. The awardees comprise of government agencies, media partners, private sectors, and other institutions that supported the embassy’s programs in the country.
CFBCI was enthralled by Indonesian cultural performances such as Tari Merak (Peacock Dance), Bajidor Kahot Dance, Angklung Team from West Java Angklung Studio in collaboration with the University of Santo Tomas which presented a medley of Indonesian folk songs, and performance of Indonesian songs by Male Ensemble Philippines. President Uy and Vice President See along with the attendees were also introduced to the philosophy of Tumpeng and various Indonesian culinary dishes.
Definitely, the whole reception is a strong testament to the enduring friendship between the Philippines and Indonesia. CFBCI is joining the journey towards enhancing the mutually benefiting relationship between these two Asian countries. Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia!
菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋偕同副理事長施茵茵、立案秘書吳恆利,於九月五日(星期四)下午七時,應邀出席印尼駐菲律濱大使館,假馬加智市都喜天麗飯店(Dusit Thani Hotel)Mayuree宴會廳慶祝印尼共和國獨立七十九週年外交晚會。主禮嘉賓菲律濱外交部長馬納羅(Secretary Enrique Manalo),其他外交界人士,包括中國駐菲特命全權大使黃溪連等外交界人士;外交部負責多邊事務和國際經濟關係次長、亞太經濟合作組織(APEC)高級官員扶西大使(Ambassador Charles C. Jose)、新任教廷駐菲律賓大使布朗大主教(H.E. Archbishop Charles John Brown);菲律濱政要、外國駐菲使節、社會名流及商會代表齊聚一堂,杯觥交錯,出席人數多達四百人。
在慶祝酒會上印尼駐菲大使阿古斯‧維多約約(Ambassador Agus Widjojo)致歡迎詞,就菲律濱與印尼建交七十五週年發表了演說,並頒發了《二零二四年印尼之友獎》,該獎項頒發給進一步加強菲律濱與印尼兩國友好關係方面發揮積極影響的合作夥伴。獲獎者包括政府機構、媒體夥伴、私營部門,以及其他支持印尼大使館在當地活動的機構。
印尼駐菲律濱大使館為使國慶晚會更加精彩,特別安排一系列的歌舞表演,有Tari Merak (孔雀舞)、Bajidor Kahot舞蹈、西爪哇Angklung工作室的Angklung團隊與聖多瑪斯大學合作的印尼民歌組曲,以及菲律賓Male Ensemble的印尼歌曲表演;精湛演出博得滿堂彩;主辦單位也特意準備了特色美食讓與會貴賓品嘗,包括道地印尼佳餚,慶典在所有與會貴賓享用完美味佳餚後,在歡欣和諧的氣氛下結束。
本會與印尼駐菲大使館長期保持友好關係,本年六月廿八日印尼駐菲大使館假馬加智市Gloriettta 2商場所舉辦的「二零二四年印尼精品博覽會」,本會領導同仁應邀出席參加;二零二三年九月中旬在印尼駐菲大使館貿易專員Martin Pandapotan的安排下,本會領導同仁禮訪印尼駐菲大使館,並受到公使Dodo Sudradjat及大使阿古斯‧維多約約等人的熱情接待;同年十月下旬,本會領導同仁應邀組團赴印尼萬丹(Banten)省丹格朗縣ICE BSD印尼會展中心參加「第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會」(Trade Expo Indonesia / TEI)等。

