CFBCI attends courtesy meeting to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Philippines 菲華工商總會受邀赴印尼駐菲大使館理事長謝國萬帶領同仁禮訪親切座談

CFBCI officials, particularly, President Stephen Sia, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Henry Lo Lim, Director Antonio Tan, Corporate Secretary Henry Go, Vice Chairman Jimmy Ang, Vice Chairman Ramon Uy, Vice Chairman Richard Yao, Director William Rogando, Plenary Member Jack Wong and his son Mr. Jaq Ferdinand Wong, visited the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Philippines in Makati on September 14, 2023.

Our officials were warmly welcomed by the Indonesian Ambassador, His Excellency Agus Widjojo, Minister Dodo Sudradjat, and Trade Attache Martin Pandapotan.

The welcoming remarks of the Ambassador emphasized the similarities between the Philippines and Indonesia, both countries possessing the blessing of economic and political diversity. The Ambassador also highlighted the essential role of Chinese people in the business sector, providing proper jobs to others.

The Ambassador then proceeded on inviting our officials to the upcoming 38th Trade Expo Indonesia 2023 to be held on October 18-22, 2023 in ICE – BSD City in Indonesia. According to the Ambassador, the said expo will improve bilateral relations between the two countries and serve as an arena for business matching and business counseling. It will also feature international seminars, international and local trade mission, live performances, and a buyers’ night.

The Ambassador also ensured that the Indonesian Embassy will assist CFBCI officials in every step of the way in attending the expo. In return, President Sia thanked the Embassy for its support and kind recognition of the role of the Chinese community in trade and industry.

CFBCI Liaison Officer Mex Bausa introduced the CFBCI officials, each of which has received a warm applause from the Embassy.

The exchange of ideas commenced with the Trade Attache Pandapotan leading the discussion. He encouraged the officials to attend the expo. In particular, he emphasized that trading with Indonesia will pave the way for cost-efficient transactions, quality assurance of products, and reduction of transportation costs.

CFBCI officials have asked several questions to the Embassy, each of which were answered with immense enthusiasm. The Embassy enjoyed the chicken empanada brought as pasalubong by the CFBCI officials.

Before leaving, our officials turned over to the Ambassador a special plaque of cooperation and the CFBCI coffee table book. The Embassy also gave a plaque of appreciation to CFBCI and small bags containing products from Indonesia to the attendees.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬,副理事長曾國強、林天德,董事杜祖蔭、陳華民,立案秘書吳恆利,常務理事洪海濱、姚慶祕和理事王輝益、顏漢龍於九月中旬,受印尼共和國駐菲律濱大使館邀請,前往位於馬加智大使館府邸,拜訪印尼駐菲大使Agus Widjojo,受到大使及公使Dodo Sudradjat和貿易專員Martin Pandapotan的熱情歡迎,並舉辦座談會。

座談會上,大使Agus Widjojo在致歡迎詞時表示菲律濱和印尼之間的相似之處,這兩個國家都擁有經濟和政治多樣性的特點。大使還強調了中國人在商業領域的重要作用,如為他人提供適當的工作提高就業率。隨後邀請本會成員前往印尼參加十月十八日至廿二日在印尼ICE – BSD城舉行的第卅八屆印尼貿易博覽會。大使表示,該博覽會將改善兩國之間的雙邊關係,並成為商業配對和商業諮詢的舞臺。博覽會期間還將舉辦國際研討會,國際和本地貿易代表團洽談會等。

理事長謝國萬感謝印尼駐菲使館對本會的支持,對華人社團在貿易和工業中的作用的認可。印度使館貿易專員Martin Pandapotan特別強調,菲國和印尼的貿易是具有成本效益的交易,產品的品質得到保證並降低運輸成本。雙方與會人員進行了深入交流;副理事長曾國強確認出席博覽會。座談會最後,雙方互贈紀念盾。同時收到印尼駐菲大使館準備的禮品袋,裡面裝有印尼當地產品。

上圖:印尼駐菲大使Agus Widjojo贈送紀念盾給本會(左起)王輝益,姚慶祕,洪海濱,杜祖蔭,貿易專員Martin Pandapotan,公使Dodo Sudradjat,大使Agus Widjojo,謝國萬,曾國強,林天德,陳華民,吳恆利,顏漢龍。
下圖:本會領導向大使Agus Widjojo致贈本會紀念徽章和成立二十週年紀念特刊。由大使Agus Widjojo和公使Dodo Sudradjat接受。