On 07 February 2025, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by President Samuel Lee Uy attended the 123rd Anniversary of the Bureau of Customs with the theme: “Customs Delivering on its Commitment to Efficiency, Security, and Prosperity.” The grandiose banquet was held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City, with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. as the guest of honor.
In this event, hundreds of BOC officials from all over the Philippines, customs brokers, industry leaders, and members of the Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council (CICAC) were present dressed in Barong Tagalog and Modern Filipiniana.
In his speech, President Marcos Jr. emphasized the Bureau’s vital role in national economic development, recognizing its contributions to revenue collection, trade facilitation, and border protection.
“I shall be direct: Throughout its one hundred and twenty-three (123)-year history, the Bureau of Customs has never had an easy time. Various controversies and corruption allegations have eroded the public’s trust. But we are changing that. We will allow your accomplishments to speak the truth,” the President said.
The President also commended the BOC’s digitalization efforts, citing its 96.99% digitalization rate as of December 2024. He also mentioned key breakthroughs at the Bureau such as the Overstaying Cargo Tracking System, the Enhanced e-Travel System, and the ATA Carnet Monitoring System, which have streamlined customs processes and enhanced operational efficiency at ports and airports.
Moreover, the President was deeply impressed by the Bureau’s strong revenue performance with a record-breaking PhP931.046 billion in 2024, which is an increase of approximately PhP40 billion from last year. The BOC’s intensified crackdown on smuggling was also emphasized, with the agency seizing PhP85.167 billion worth of illegal goods in 2024.
During the event, outstanding customs personnel were recognized with leadership awards, particularly, officials and personnel who have demonstrated exemplary performance and persistence in achieving the Bureau’s goals. He also cited the establishment of CICAC as one of the key achievements of BOC last year. In the presence of the President, the Commissioner asked all CICAC members including CFBCI to stand to be recognized.
In his speech, Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio reaffirmed the Bureau’s commitment to efficiency, transparency, and service excellence. “Tinitiyak namin na ang mga proseso at operasyon ng Bureau of Customs ay simple, malinaw, at tumutugon sa mga pangangailangan ng publiko,” he said.
With his excellent leadership, it is expected that the Bureau will continue to advance digitalization, strengthen enforcement measures, and foster revenue collection to support national development programs and policies.
The program was filled with a warm and hospitable atmosphere, with all attendees roaming and conversing with one another.
Definitely, CFBCI is deeply honored to become a part of this event and looking forward to collaborating with its newfound connections. After the program, dinner was served and everyone enjoyed a sumptuous meal.
菲華工商總會訊:海關局於二月七日(星期五)下午,假巴西市菲律濱國際會議中心慶祝成立一百二十三週年,慶典主題為「海關履行對效率、安全和繁榮的承諾」,由局長韋尼多.盧比奧(Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio)親自主持,總統小費迪南德‧馬科斯閣下(H.E. President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.)擔任主賓。其他受邀出席的貴賓包括有,部會首長、參眾兩院議員、地方政府官員、海關局各地區辦公室負責人及海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會(CICAC)成員單位領導。本會理事長黃書瑋,常務理事洪海濱、姚慶祕、王輝益、葉啟龍、施惠萍,理事楊震廷、佘玲玲、葉俊龍及西文秘書梅西卡等人,到場共襄盛舉。