The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) proudly presents the Life Skills and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) at Sky 1 Tower, Binondo, Manila, on February 18, 2024 aiming to help the CFBCI Scholars in “redirecting rejections” in life “from heartbreak to breakthrough” in the face of adversity. The seminar offered valuable perspectives on the hopes and obstacles encountered not only by scholars, but also by Filipino youth in general, along with approaches to strengthen their ability to overcome challenges and enhance their resilience.
The speaker of the talk entitled “Redirecting Rejections: from Heartbreak to Breakthrough is Mr. Jefferson Correa LPT, CFBCI alumnus and a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila. He also took his teaching units at Philippine Normal University – Manila.
Before the host introduced the speaker, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy (CFBCI President) began the day with his serendipity talk, which included bible verses that explain love. In commemoration of Valentine's Day, he encouraged scholars to speak up and express their ideas on Bible scriptures related to love.
First, he tackled “understanding rejection. " In this, he imparted knowledge regarding the definition of rejection and underlying concepts such as types of rejection in order for us to simply understand the word.
After understanding the term rejection, the speaker helped us to deeply understand the heartbreak that we feel whenever we face rejection. It is a good topic since it highlights the fact that there are various types of pain reactions; our methods may be comparable or distinct from one another.
Third, he taught us how to accept rejection and the accompanying grief with it. In the fourth section of his topic, “Reframing Perspectives," he emphasized that after we embrace it, we must immediately take action to determine how we may utilize it as an instrument to thrive and prosper on our respective journeys.
Finally, he shared his own reflections on the difficulties he encountered, which serve as a beacon of hope to every scholar to reconcile with failures and turn pain into successes.
In conclusion, the February LSMS focuses on comprehending the concept of rejection. It suggests that rejection is not just a defining factor in our lives but also serves as a catalyst for personal growth, learning, and resilience. Rather than being viewed solely as an obstacle, rejection presents an opportunity for introspection and redirection.
The LSMS offers guidance on how the scholars of the Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program can effectively navigate and overcome heartbreaks and rejection, emphasizing the importance of building resilience and coping with emotional difficulties.
當天的主講人是二零一三年以優異成績畢業於馬尼拉市立大學會計學系的受助生Jefferson Correa,他大學畢業後繼續到菲律濱師範大學進修,並取得教育學士學位,現已持有專業教師執照。本次講座主題為「重定向拒絕:從心碎到突破」。
主講人Jefferson Correa以「理解拒絕」開始講起,並且解釋了有關拒絕的定義、類型等,以利於學員們更能簡單地了解這個詞;緊接著談「敏銳的心碎」,讓學員深刻地理解到面臨被拒絕時的感受;他也講解「重塑視角」,並且強調,在接受它之後就必須立即採取行動,確定如何好好利用它,在我們各自的旅程中蓬勃發展。
本會出席領導同仁在講座結束後讚揚講員精湛的演說和豐富的內容,並鼓勵學員們要學以致用,充實自己,把學到的知識溶入生活,更好地面對生活中帶來的種種考驗。活動最後,本會出席的領導同仁頒發感謝狀予主講人Jefferson Correa,全體大合照,並於中午前圓滿結束。
上左圖:主講人Jefferson Correa。
上中圖:(由左至右)學友會成員Marianne Guinto、學友會成員Patricia Anne Deinla、負責教育項目秘書處會計羅娜、黃書瑋、曾煥眉、留牡丹、學友會成員Angelica Cariaga。