Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines visits CFBCI headquarters in Binondo 菲華工商總會領導熱情接待菲律濱加拿大商會會長禮訪

On 02 October 2024, the President/CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (CanCham), Mr. Julian Payne, visited the headquarters of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) to introduce their organization and explore potential avenues for collaboration.

At the beginning of the discussion, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, President of the Board of Directors, gave his welcome remarks, highlighting that it was the organization’s pleasure to have Mr. Julian Payne, President of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, at the CFBCI head office, and he hoped to find opportunities for cooperation between the two organizations.

President Uy said, “I am hoping that your organization and ours could find opportunities to collaborate so we can foster more positive changes in the lives of Filipinos. CFBCI is looking forward to become a partner of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in making the Philippines become a more progressive and humane society.”

Afterwards, Ms. Mexica Bausa, CFBCI English Secretary, introduced other officers who were present on that day, namely: Honorary President Stephen Sia, President Emeritus Allan Wong But Loy, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Antonio Tan, Director/Treasurer Richard Alviar, Director Juan Go, Director William Rogando, Director Willy Chion Wong, Director Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, and Director Edwin John Ty. Mr. Payne was accompanied by Mr. Carol Marcelo, CanCham’s Assistant Corporate Secretary.

On one hand, a video presentation of our social service programs was shown, and Mr. Payne delivered a cordial and friendly speech, emphasizing the Chamber’s recognition of our active role as a business organization in the Tsinoy community. He also mentioned that over the years, the Canadian Chamber has been involved in a whole range of business activities including international trade, investment, and labor mobility. At present, the Chamber is actively advocating for easing the restrictions on foreign investment and the reduction of corporate income tax rate in the Philippines to attract more investors from overseas.

Mr. Payne commended the ‘unique’ attributes of the Philippines, making it a good place to invest in - Filipinos are excellent in using the English language and our government is very accommodating in terms of discussing potential trade and investment opportunities. With the steadily increasing number of Filipinos migrating to Canada to work or settle for good, cultural exchange between the two nations has also been at its peak now more than ever.

In response, CFBCI officers took their turns in asking relevant questions, including Vice President Antonio Tan who had an inquiry about importation of products from Canada. Mr. Payne enthusiastically provided him sufficient advice and information regarding this matter. Overall, it was a warm, informative, and engaging discussion between two parties. Both are looking forward to collaborating with each other and contributing to the prosperity of their homelands. At the end of the meeting, CFBCI officers presented Mr. Payne with the CFBCI official seal of collaboration and a special 20th anniversary issue of coffee table book.

菲華工商總會訊:菲律濱加拿大商會(Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines簡稱CanCham)會長、首席執行官朱利安‧佩恩(Julian Payne)偕同副立案秘書卡羅爾‧馬塞洛(Carol Marcelo),於十月二日(星期三)下午禮訪本會,受到理事長黃書瑋,名譽理事長謝國萬,榮譽理事長黃拔來,副理事長楊良田、陳華民及董事曾煥眉、洪香泉、杜祖蔭、柯仁義、黃志安、鄭奕偉等人的熱情接待,雙方就如何促進經貿合作及關係交換意見。



佩恩會長則讚揚本會在菲華僑社所扮演的重要角色,同時介紹了菲律濱加拿大商會的創立宗旨,他指出,該會目前除了參加國際貿易、投資、勞動力流動等一系列商業活動外,同時也在積極呼籲菲律濱政府放寬外資限制、降低企業所得稅,以吸引更多海外投資者等。佩恩會長也稱讚菲律濱的 「獨特」之處,使其成為投資的好地方;菲律濱人擅長使用英語。隨著越來越多的菲律濱人移民到加拿大工作或定居,兩國之間的文化交流也達到了前所未有的高峰。

