‘A great day for public service,’ CFBCI donates bikes and PH flags to Navotas City 菲華工商總會慶祝菲律濱獨立節贈那莫沓示市國旗及多台登山車

On 21 May 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) visited two cities for its official turnover of Philippine flags and was received with utmost pleasure by local government leaders of Navotas City.

At 10:30AM, CFBCI officers and members led by President Samuel Lee Uy headed to Navotas City Hall for the turnover of one hundred (100) units of Philippine flag to be displayed in pertinent offices and areas of the city in celebration of the National Independence Day this upcoming 12th of June. Also present are the following officers and members: Vice President Vicente Co, Director Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Eduardo Tiu, Vice Chairman Peter Chua, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Bruce Uy, Plenary Member Direck Uy, Plenary Member Nixon Co, Plenary Member Ramon Wong, Plenary Member Sheryl Tiu, and Member Johnny Chen.

Mayor John Rey Tiangco expressed his immense gratitude for the organization’s relentless support to the city throughout his leadership. Ms. Mexica Bausa, who is currently employed as a Public Affairs Officer of CFBCI, is a former beneficiary of NavotaAs Scholarship Program during high school which is one of the projects heavily supported by Mayor Tiangco. After graduating from high school, CFBCI then supported her studies through the Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program until she graduated with honors in the University of the Philippines Diliman. Mayor Tiangco was very proud that one of the City’s scholars is able to finish her studies with flying colors and has acquired valuable employment.

Aside from the flags, CFBCI also donated ten (10) mountain bikes and helmets to be used by the personnel of Navotas City Police to further facilitate peace and order in the city. Mayor Tiangco, Vice Mayor Tito Sanchez, and Chief of Navotas City Police, PCOL Mario Cortes, were present during the turnover at the City Hall Lobby.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於五月二十一日(星期二)上午,赴那莫沓示市政府,向市長贈送百面嶄新國旗及十台登山車,由理事長黃書瑋,副理事長兼福利委員會督導許長泰,董事曾煥眉,常務理事林文龍、許有福、蔡清景、葉啟龍,理事葉俊龍、許純維、王明雄、梁清江、佘玲玲,同仁莊嘉展,親自移交予市長John Reynald M. Tiangco,副市長Tito M. Sanchez及警察局長Mario Cortes等人現場見證。



John Reynald M. Tiangco市長在得知本會「點亮未來」受助生、現西文秘書梅西卡早期曾是那莫沓示市獎學金獲得者,現已學有所成,服務本會,感到很是欣慰。Tiangco市長感謝本會長期支持那莫沓示市政府的各項福利活動,並對本會領導同仁的愛國熱忱表示肯定與讚揚。

上圖:向那莫沓示市長移交國旗(左起)葉啟龍,許純維,梁清江,許有福,林文龍,黃書瑋,John Reynald M. Tiangco市長,葉俊龍,許長泰,曾煥眉,佘玲玲,蔡清景,王明雄,莊嘉展。