Recently, the Gregorio P. Uy and Lee Peng (GPULP) Scholarship Foundation, a consistent partner of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in implementing its Education Program that caters to the financial needs of indigent college students, successfully hosted the graduation celebration and year-end party for its scholars in Tuguegarao and Isabela.
On November 30, the graduation celebration and year-end party for GPULPSF-CFBCI Tuguegarao scholars took place at Crown Lodge Restaurant in Tuguegarao City. This year, GPULPSF and CFBCI are pleased to announce that a total of 10 scholars have successfully accomplished their undergraduate degree programs, 4 of which are Cum Laudes. To celebrate their achievement, a short program was held in which Atty. Mila C. Lauigan, 3rd District Board Member of the Province of Cagayan, served as the keynote speaker.
At the heart of her speech, Atty. Lauigan shared her humble beginnings, emphasized the importance of immense persistence to achieve our ambitions in life, and reminded the scholars to dedicate their dreams to their family. The scholars expressed their admiration to her passion and strong commitment to serve the people at the present as a public official.
After her heartwarming and inspiring speech, GPULPSF and CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy along with GPULPSF Chairman Gregorio L. Uy presented a plaque of appreciation to the esteemed keynote speaker. Furthermore, Mr. John Czery Alina, a scholar who graduated Cum Laude, also gave an appreciation speech through which he expressed his utmost gratitude to the Foundation who supported his college studies.
On the next day, on December 1, the graduation celebration and year-end party for GPULPSF-CFBCI Isabela scholars was held at the auditorium of Kang Ha Association in Cauayan City. Among the scholars, a total of 18 have graduated, 6 of which are Cum Laudes, and one scholar was awarded Magna Cum Laude. In the program, Mr. Ricardo “Richard” Pua Tan, President/CEO of the Isabela La Suerte Rice Mill Corporation, served as the keynote speaker. The scholars were moved by his speech through which he highlighted the significance of hard work, passion, and excellence comprising the “backbone” of one’s future profession or company. “There is no journey without a challenge,” he said, encouraging the scholars to continue learning new things, expanding one’s network, and be willing to take some risks.
In both graduation programs, President Samuel Lee Uy delivered an inspirational message focusing on “The 3Ms to a Brighter Future.” In his speech, President Uy discussed the importance of the following values in achieving success in life: mapagkakatiwalaan (trustworthiness), maaasahan (dependability), and malasakit (commitment or stewardship). While the scholars of GPULPSF and CFBCI are excelling academically, it is also important to inculcate the necessary virtues to them to provide guidance in their future careers.
The programs were sealed off with some closing remarks by Mrs. Marina S. Uy and the scholars enjoyed the festivities afterwards. They also shared a sumptuous banquet and a joyful party was started in celebration of the Christmas season.
菲華工商總會訊:本會「點亮未來」助學方案與北部地區長期合作夥伴「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」(Gregorio P. Uy and Lee Peng簡稱GPULP),分別於十一月卅日及十二月一日在株藝牙佬市(Tuguegarao City)和依沙迷拉省(Isabela Province)為兩地畢業受助生舉辦結業式及歲末年終餐會。
十一月卅日(星期六)上午,本會「點亮未來」助學方案與「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」在株藝牙佬市的皇冠餐廳(Crown Lodge Restaurant)共同為該地區十位畢業受助生舉辦結業式及歲末聯歡會,本年度的畢業生中共有四位以榮譽獎(Cum Laude)優異成績獲得學士學位。邀請卡加延省(Cagayan)第三區省議員Mila C. Lauigan律師擔任主講人。本會理事長黃書瑋、偕同夫人黃美琳(Marina Samson Uy)與「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」董事長黃書企與當地商會代表和其他受助生及其家長等出席慶典。
省議員Mila C. Lauigan致詞時,強調了堅持對實現人生抱負的重要性,並提醒畢業生們要將自己的夢想奉獻給家人。畢業生們也對其身為公職人員的熱情和服務人民的精神表示欽佩。本年度以優異成績畢業的受助生 John Czery Alina 代表致謝詞,他藉此機會向本會及「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」提供獎學金,使他及其他受助生們能順利完成學業,表達了最誠摯的謝意。同時感謝本會和基金會通過用正確的價值觀激發他的進取心,進而改變了他的生活。
隔天,十二月一日(星期日)上午,本會理事長黃書瑋與「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」在郊亞鄢市(Cauayan City)江夏黃氏宗親會禮堂共同為該地區十八位「點亮未來」助學方案畢業受助生舉辦結業式及歲末年終餐會,本年度的畢業受助生中,有一位以最大榮譽獎(Magna Cum Laude)完成學業,另有六位則是以榮譽獎(Cum Laude)優異成績獲得學士學位。邀請Isabela La Suerte Rice Mill 公司董事長兼總經理陳清琪先生(Ricardo “Richard” Pua Tan)擔任主講人。本會在該地區的常務理事洪振山、同仁黃金龍和郊亞鄢市江夏黃氏宗親會及當地其他商會代表和其他受助生及其家長等出席慶典。
該兩場結業式,皆由「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」董事長黃書企致歡迎詞,本會理事長黃書瑋擔任貴賓致詞,向畢業生表示祝賀。理事長黃書瑋以 「通往光明未來的三個M開頭的菲律濱單詞」:信賴(Mapagkakatiwalaan)、可靠(Maaasahan)、關懷(Malasakit),並分享了價值觀對人生成功的重要性。他也指出,本會「點亮未來」助學方案及「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」所栽培的受助生都是成績優異的學子,但是本會與基金會還是有義務向他們提供美德教育及未來職業生涯的指引,以利日後幫助他們成為社會棟樑。
結業式在 Marina S. Uy 女士的閉幕致謝詞中結束。主辦單位特別為畢業生及其他受助生們舉辦聖誕派對,並且準備了豐盛佳餚讓大家盡情享用,所有與會人士在歡笑中渡過美好的一天。