On 11 December 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) hosted a year-end party for its beloved officers and members at the CFBCI 8th Floor Auditorium in Binondo, Manila. CFBCI Founding President Peter Yu, incumbent President Samuel Lee Uy, other members of the Board of Directors, and CFBCI officers and members from Metro Manila and nearby provinces graced the party with their warm attendance.
The party began with the awarding of Certificates of Perfect Attendance to the officers and members of CFBCI who consistently attended its monthly plenary meetings in the year 2024. President Samuel Lee Uy along with the Vice Presidents proudly presented the Certificates to this year’s awardees namely: Vice Chairman Eduardo Ting Tiu, Vice Chairman Ramon Cheng, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, and Plenary Member Sheryl Jane Tiu.
Afterwards, the awardees of the “CFBCI Gawad Parangal: Pagkilala sa Mga Natatanging Miyembro” were announced and were given plaques of appreciation from the organization. This awarding ceremony was held for the first time in the history of CFBCI, thus we are proud to announce the awardees namely: Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Director William Rogando, Director Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, Vice Chairman Eduardo Ting Tiu, Vice Chairman Ramon Cheng, Vice Chairman Henry Junior Tiu, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, and Vice Chairman Tepeng Lim Salvador. The awarding of certificates and plaques to more officers and members will be held in January 2025.
Following the awarding ceremony, the birthday celebrants of the months of November and December blew out candles together as the crowd joyfully sang for them. The rest of the program smoothly took place while everyone was enjoying a sumptuous dinner with wine courtesy of Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan. Our officers and members also took turns in singing groovy and nostalgic Chinese songs to entertain the others. The Wrong Direction band comprising of Director William Rogando, Provincial Plenary Council Member William Ngo, and Mr. Paul John Villanueva gave an astounding singing performance. For the first time, CFBCI also invited the famous OPM singing group, The Rainmakers, to serenade the attendees of the party. Everyone enjoyed the festive event filled with singing, dancing, funny games, and raffle draws.
CFBCI would like to express its utmost gratitude to those who donated vouchers and gift packs for the raffle draw, and delicious dessert for everyone to enjoy. It was indeed a joyful night full of laughter and camaraderie, where friendships were rekindled and the spirit of the holiday season was deeply felt.
聖誕歌聲響徹禮堂,聯歡會在同仁的相互問候聲中熱熱鬧鬧地拉開了序幕。首先由理事長黃書瑋親自主持,西文秘書梅西卡唱名,頒發全勤獎予常務理事林文龍、莊南文、許福星、洪海濱及理事佘玲玲等五位同仁;接著首次頒發表揚獎「GAWAD PARANGAL」予本屆有特殊貢獻的理事會成員,以示贊揚及肯定。獲獎的領導同仁計有:榮譽理事長蔡自然,副理事長施茵茵,董事杜祖蔭、柯仁義、吳金帛,常務理事林文龍、留牡丹、莊南文、許有福、黃明聰、柯偉順律師、林樹仁、吳治平、洪振山等;並為本會十一月及十二月份所有壽星唱生日歌,一起吹蠟燭及切蛋糕。
在享用美酒佳餚的同時,由本會中文秘書蔡艷霞主持餘興節目,首先邀請本會多位唱將:理事長黃書瑋、常務理事吳克斌、莊漢香和理事陳柏材等,輪番上台演唱著名中文及英文歌曲,美妙歌聲令聽者陶醉的同時亦跟著哼唱。第二輪由本會美骨區董事杜祖蔭,理事吳信德及Paul John Villanueva先生所組成的Wrong Direction合唱團演唱抒情歌曲,悅耳動聽的歌聲,博得滿堂彩;最後壓軸,由著名合唱團The Rainmakers成員為大家帶來多首耳熟能詳的英、菲懷舊歌曲,優美歌聲把現場氣氛推向最高點,理事長黃書瑋伉儷及多位領導同仁即興在舞台邊翩翩起舞。在演唱節目進行中,還穿插遊戲項目及摸彩活動,豐富的摸彩獎品包括有現金紅包、禮劵及住宿劵等,聯歡會的氣氛高潮迭起。
在此特別感謝執行副理事長曾國強捐贈五張他主有的Tagaytay Royale Parc渡假酒店住宿代用券及大雅台皇廷餐廳(Royale Palace Chinese Restaurant)一千元優惠劵二十張;榮譽理事長吳輝漢捐贈二十包糖果禮包;董事朱少華提供Joyday冰淇淋,在此向他們表示由衷謝意。散會前,理事長黃書瑋贈送每一位出席的同仁火腿,執行副理事長曾國強則贈送紅酒,讓參加聖誕聯歡會的所有同仁滿載而歸。喜悅、歡愉和睦之情,圍繞著現場的每一個人,大家共同渡過了一個熱鬧而喜慶的節日之夜。
第五排由上至下,由左至右:(小圖左起)吳克斌,莊漢香,黃書瑋,陳柏材歌唱之影。理事長黃書瑋伉儷即興舞蹈;榮譽理事長黃拔來挑戰遊戲項目。Wrong Direction合唱團演唱抒情歌曲。著名合唱團The Rainmakers成員Jojo、Joel、Ramon在聯歡會上高歌數曲,現場氣氛火爆。