Miss Chinatown Foundation Phils. visits CFBCI headquarters 菲華工商總會熱情接待菲中小姐基金會來訪

On 22 August 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) warmly welcomed Mr. Wilson Ngo Agbayani (Founder) and Ms. Vanessa Agbayani Lo (President) of Miss Chinatown Foundation Philippines Inc. in their courtesy visit at CFBCI headquarters. To represent CFBCI, President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice Chairmen Ramon Cheng and Stella Lim joined the meeting.

The meeting began with a short speech delivered by President Samuel Lee Uy through which he commended the Foundation for its enduring success in organizing the Mr. and Ms. Chinatown pageant for more than a decade, thus gaining recognition and praise from various sectors. CFBCI strongly believes that this pageant and the projects of Miss Chinatown Foundation Philippines have been effective avenues to empower the modern Chinese young men and women in their roles as proactive agents of social change and exemplary models of Chinese values and culture in the modern era.

Afterwards, Mr. Wilson Ngo Agbayani and Ms. Vanessa Agbayani, a wonderful father-and-daughter tandem, thanked the organization for its warm welcome and expressed their aspiration that after this visit, both parties will collaborate in enhancing the friendship between the Philippines and China, and promoting the rich Chinese culture and heritage. They also highlighted the Foundation’s eagerness to give back to grassroots communities hence propagating kindness and camaraderie in our society.

CFBCI extends its gratitude to the organization, and is definitely looking forward to future collaboration. Together, let us continue to promote rich Chinese culture and heritage!

菲華工商總會訊:菲中小姐基金會(Miss Chinatown Foundation Philippines, Inc.)創辦人吳文偉主席(Wilson Ngo Agbayani)偕同總裁吳瑞美(Vanessa Agbayani Lo),於八月廿二日(星期四)上午禮訪本會,受到理事長黃書瑋,常務理事莊南文、施惠萍,中文秘書蔡艷霞及西文秘書梅西卡等人的熱情接待,雙方進行了親善交流座談。



吳瑞美總裁致詞時表示,在當前菲中關係緊張的形勢下,更要舉辦各種菲中民間交流活動,做更多有利於促進菲中友好的實際工作;所以本基金會今年將繼續舉辦 MR. AND MS. CHINATOWN PHILIPPINES 2024 選美賽。本屆菲中先生、小姐選美加冕之夜將訂於二零二四年十一月十日(星期日),假新港藝術劇院(NEW PERFORMING ARTS THEATER)舉行,同時在電視台實況轉播。籌備工作現在已正式開展,目標向全菲各大院校進軍,鼓勵菲中年輕一代積極參與正當和有意義的活動,熱心投入公益慈善和文教活動,增強華語水準和社交技巧等。希望菲華工商總會再次給與基金會和本屆選美比賽大力支持,並提出寶貴建議,共同把今年的活動辦得更精彩。


