CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy visits Gansu, China; participates in a series of impactful lectures and tours 菲華工商總會黃書瑋赴中國甘肅參加「海外華僑華人參訪團」取得豐碩成果

Recently, the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Office of Gansu Province in China has invited Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, President of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), together with other 20 Chinese community group leaders from eight countries to visit their province. From August 7 to 13, 2024, this “Overseas Chinese Delegation” enthusiastically participated in a series of thematic lectures and local attraction visits thus gaining a deeper understanding of the economy, culture, and humanities of the province.

The twenty members of the delegation came from the Philippines, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Italy, Canada, Australia, Europe and the United States. The members from the Philippines who visited the tour together with President Uy include: Mr. Yao Jinzhen, Chairman of the Jinjiang Clansmen Association of the Philippines; Mr. Wang Shuhou, Honorary Chairman of the Hongmen Federation of the Philippines; and Mr. Shi Zhifang, President of the Gansu Federation of the Philippines.

In the morning of August 8, the organizer held a grand kick-off ceremony in Lanzhou, an important area on the Silk Road Economic Belt, followed by lectures on “An Introduction to the Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era of Xi Jinping” and “One Belt, One Road”. In the afternoon of the same day, the participants visited the Gansu Provincial Museum, the First Bridge over the Huanghe River, the Zhongshan Iron Bridge, and the Waterwheel Park in Lanzhou, as well as the exhibition hall of “The Yellow River Chorus.”

In the morning of August 9, the delegation, accompanied by the organizer, went to Wuwei City, known as “the key point of the world” and “national defender”, where they visited the ruins of the White Pagoda Temple, the Liangzhou Alliance Memorial Museum, and the Leitai Han Cultural Museum. In the afternoon of the same day, they went to Jinchang City, which is known as the “nickel capital” of China, and in the evening they took a miniature train to appreciate the 500 acres of purple and gold flowers in the seascape area of Jinchang City.

In the morning of August 10, the delegation also visited the former site of Jinchuan open-pit mine in Jinchang City (a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit in Gansu Province) and in the afternoon, they arrived at Zhangjian City, which is named as “Zhangguo Arms & Eyes to Connect with the Western Regions”, and visited the multi-cultural agricultural fruit farms. The local government officials of Zhangye City also warmly accommodated the delegation and gave them a historical tour.

On the morning of August 11,the delegation drove from Zhangye City to the Red Gaotai Martyrs' Mausoleum to pay homage to the Heroes' Memorial Hall of the West Road Army of the Chinese Peasant and Red Army. In the afternoon, the delegation headed to the northwestern part of the Zhangye area in Gaotai County. Afterwards, the delegation returned to Wuwei City and held a seminar with local municipal government officials to learn more about the city's industrial strengths and economic developments.

In the morning of August 12, the delegation members began their return trip to Lanzhou where they participated in lectures on Xi Jinping's “One Belt and One Road” and the Human Destiny Commonwealth, which was given by Prof. Zhu Yongbiao, the Dean of the School of Politics and International Relations of Lanzhou University, and Gansu on “One Belt and One Road”, which was given by Mr. Cai Wenhao, the former president of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics; and the Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Yu Chuanhu, summarized the details of this activity.

After the lectures, the members of the delegation spoke one after another about their experiences in the trip. In the evening, the delegation toured the Yellow River scenic route, which brought the trip to Gansu to a successful conclusion. CFBCI would like to thank Mr. Yu Chuanhu, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Wang Yongguang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Reunion and Cooperation of the Ninth Bureau of the Central United Front Work Department (CUFWD), Mr. Zhou Qiang, Director General of the Ninth Department of the CUFWD of Gansu, and Mr. Zhao Yongry, Researcher of the Ninth Department of the CUFWD of Gansu, for accompanying the delegation throughout the whole trip and providing them with a great hospitality.

Gansu Province is located in Northwest China, on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, with an area of 450,000 square kilometers, and its capital is Lanzhou City. The province has a rich historical and cultural heritage, especially the ancient monuments related to the world-famous Silk Road. Gansu is rich in natural resources, with considerable mineral reserves, forests, wind and solar energy. Utilizing its resource advantages, Gansu's industrial system is currently led by the petroleum, metallurgy, chemical and food processing industries.





八月十日上午,來自各地的二十位海外華僑華人參訪團也在接待方的帶領下,參觀金昌市金川露天礦坑舊址(甘肅省省級文物保護單位)及中國鎳都,國家級經濟技術開發區,世界五百強,金昌市金川集團鎳合金有限公司;同日下午,到達以「張國臂掖,以通西域」而得名的張棭市,參觀多成農業果農場。張掖市委統戰部副部長杜春英及果園負責人介紹早酥梨種植發展過程,目前培植梨樹占地五百畝,每畝產量四千斤,水果之鄉。當晚參加學習河西學院甘肅省高校紅西路軍研究院副院長蔣超博士講解,重溫習近平總書記視察甘肅張掖重要講話和指示精神系列活動之「學習英雄事蹟 傳承紅色精神力量」——長征中的紅軍英雄事蹟專題講座。



