Bacoor City Mayor Strike B. Revilla visits CFBCI headquarters for courtesy meeting 菲華工商總會熱烈歡迎巴科奧爾市長蒞臨訪問雙方就如何加強聯繫及計劃合作方案交換意見

On 15 August 2024, Hon. Strike Bautista Revilla, Mayor of Bacoor City in Cavite visited the headquarters of Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in Binondo, Manila along with Dra. Maria Cristina Ignacio-Alberto, Chief of Staff, Hon. Jefferson Lau, Chairman of Manila Chinatown Barangay Organization, and Dra. Merle Sacdalan Faustino, Director of Justice Jose Abad Santos Hospital Medical.

The meeting convened with the welcome remarks of President Samuel Lee Uy in which he thanked the visitors for traveling for hours to reach CFBCI’s head office, just to meet them personally. As Tsinoys, President Uy expressed his sincere appreciation of gestures like this which aim to strengthen friendship and camaraderie. He ended his short speech by saying: “Caviteños are known for being strong-willed and fearless; but I think there is more behind this reputation: Caviteños are warm and accommodating people, with a heart dedicated in fostering positive change in the lives of others.”

Afterwards, other officers and members of CFBCI were introduced, namely: Honorary President Stephen Sia, Vice President Paul Yeung, Director Richard Alviar, Director Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, Director Edwin John Ty, Vice Chairman Ramon Cheng, Vice Chairman Mylene Co, and Vice Chairman Linda Lao. Then, a short video was shown to let the visitors capture a glimpse of what CFBCI does as an organization and the principles that it stands for since 1998.

Hon. Revilla was given the opportunity to give a speech in which he expressed his gratitude for CFBCI for opening its doors for collaboration with Bacoor City. As an organization, CFBCI admires Hon. Strike Revilla’s leadership as it resonates with the goal of CFBCI which is to focus on alleviating the difficulties shouldered by our brothers and sisters in grassroots of society. With the mantra of “strike as one,” Hon. Revilla has been successful in facilitating various welfare programs to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Bacoor. Here in CFBCI, we also conduct various programs that target specific needs of our kababayans in need.

Through the courtesy meeting, the two parties were able to get to know each other more and explore future avenues through which they could collaborate. Before closing the meeting, CFBCI awarded Hon. Revilla the CFBCI seal of collaboration and official coffee table book. Definitely, this meeting marks the beginning of an enduring friendship and future partnerships for positive change. For starters, through the benevolent cooperation of MCBO led by Hon. Jefferson Lau and generous assistance of Lorenzo Ruiz Academy, Cavite Hope Children’s Chorus will receive free online Mandarin classes for one whole year. This project will be launched this upcoming August 22, Thursday.
菲華工商總會訊:八月十五日(星期四)下午,甲美地省巴科奧爾市(Bacoor, Cavite)市長雷維拉(Mayor Strike Bautista Revilla)在其辦公室幕僚長Maria Cristina Ignacio-Alberto醫師、馬尼拉華人區描籠涯協會主席劉少強及Justice Jose Abad Santos醫院院長Merle Sacdalan Faustino醫師的陪同下,聯袂禮訪本會,受到本會理事長黃書瑋,名譽理事長謝國萬,副理事長楊良田,董事曾煥眉、柯仁義、鄭奕偉及常務理事莊南文、留牡丹、侯逸蘭,理事王明雄等熱情接待,雙方進行互動交流。
巴科奧爾市,是位於甲美地的城市;根據二零一五年的人口普查,巴科奧爾的人口為六十萬六百零九人,使其成為菲律濱人口最多的第十四個城市。本著 「團結一致」的口號,雷維拉市長成功地推動了各種福利計劃,改善了當地市民的生活品質。
Maria Cristina Ignacio-Alberto醫師致詞時表示,她組創了甲美地希望童音合唱團(Cavite Hope Children’s Chorus),今年希望開辦普通話教學;她很感謝馬尼拉華人區描籠涯協會劉少強主席幫忙牽線,取得本會支持,與聖軍中學施佩妮校長無私支援,訂於8 月 22 日(星期四)啟動線上教學,此項目將進行一整個學年。當地孩童得知消息,相當興奮和期待。
下圖:贈送本會徽章及二十週年紀念特刊,賓主合影留念(左起)莊南文,曾煥眉,侯逸蘭,柯仁義,鄭奕偉,謝國萬,黃書瑋,雷維拉市長,楊良田,Maria Cristina Ignacio-Alberto醫師,Merle Sacdalan Faustino院長,劉少強主席,王明雄,留牡丹。