CFBCI conducts Handog Balik Eskwela project in Navotas City 菲華工商總會捐贈那莫沓示市三公立學校千名小學生文具包

On 30 July 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) attended the turnover ceremony of Handog Balik Eskwela project in Kapitbahayan Elementary School, Navotas City. Hon. Mayor John Reynald M. Tiangco graced the ceremony with his attendance and thanked the organization for its generous donation that will benefit a total of 1,000 Grade 2 pupils in three schools in Navotas City, namely: Kapitbahayan Elementary School, Navotas Elementary School 1, and Daanghari Elementary School.

On behalf of CFBCI, President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Willy Chuakimtong, Director Willy Chion Wong, Director Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Eduardo Ting Tiu, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, Plenary Member Ramon Wong, and English Secretary Mexica Bausa.

The ceremony began with the welcome address delivered by the Principal of Kapitbahayan Elementary School, Dr. Florietta M. Quijano. This school has 4,612 pupils which is the biggest enrolment in the city encompassing Special Education (SPED), Kindergarten, and Grades 1-6. Dr. Quijano expressed her school’s appreciation of the generosity of the organization which will help a total of 666 Grade 2 pupils.

Her speech was followed by a short message from President Samuel Lee Uy which emphasized CFBCI’s commitment in assisting the Department of Education in shaping young Filipinos into “batang MAKABANSA” who will contribute to nation-building in the future. “We are hoping that this small gesture of kindness will aid our students’ learning and motivate them to study with utmost enthusiasm and joy. Just by seeing the smiling faces of our youth makes us even more determined to pursue initiatives like these to help them in their journey towards a brighter future,” he said.

Afterwards, Hon. Mayor John Reynald M. Tiangco delivered an inspirational message. He stated that Navotas City is very happy that local schools have successfully opened despite the flooding caused by Typhoon Carina, and that CFBCI has decided to conduct its Handog Balik Eskwela project again in the city. He said that new school supplies will boost students’ motivation and enjoyment which are essential elements of learning. Moreover, he reminded the young pupils to eat nutritious foods to remain healthy and strong and that they must continue working hard to achieve their dreams.

Nearing towards the end of the ceremony, the school has awarded a certificate of appreciation to the organization. Then, young pupils lined up on stage to receive their new bag of school supplies comprising of new notebooks, pads of paper, pencils, plastic tumbler, rulers, eraser, and sharpener.

菲華工商總會訊:本會為支持教育部每年所舉辦的返校活動(Balik Eskwela Project),及響應那莫沓示市政府要求,在開學之際向該市三所公立小學:Kapitbahayan公立小學、Navotas公立小學及Daanghari公立小學,二年級學生捐贈了一千份文具用品包。七月卅日(星期二)上午,本會理事長黃書瑋,副理事長蔡金東,董事曾煥眉、黃志安,常務理事許有福、許福星、林文龍、留牡丹,理事王明雄等領導、同仁前往Kapitbahayan公立小學進行移交儀式。

那莫沓示市市長John Reynald Tiangco及Kapitbahayan公立小學校長 Florietta M. Quijano博士出席了儀式並致詞。現場向Kapitbahayan公立小學二年級學生派發文具包。每個文具包 月內有:防水文件包、筆記本、寫字紙、鉛筆、尺、橡皮擦、小型削鉛筆器及水壺等,均為學生學習所需的文具。

捐贈儀式首先由Kapitbahayan公立小學校長 Florietta M. Quijano博士致歡迎詞,她感謝本會領導同仁慷慨解囊,減輕家長因開學所帶來的開支,贈送文具包予該校六百六十六名二年級學生,相信學生們一定會受到鼓舞,更加努力地學習。同時指出,該校是全市學生最多的公立小學,目前總共有四千六百十二名學生。

理事長黃書瑋則表示,菲華工商總會致力予協助教育部將年輕一代的菲律濱人塑造成愛國青少年(Batang Makabansa),為未來的國家發展做出力所能及的貢獻。期盼本會這一小小的善舉能夠幫助莫沓示市的小學生們,不因缺乏資源而影響學習效果,同時激勵他們用心學習,快樂學習,在這新的學年開啟人生中的又一次求知新程。

John Reynald Tiangco在致詞時說到,這次「卡麗娜」颱風在那莫沓示市造成嚴重災情,但是在大家的共同努力下,當地學校目前都已經陸續開課;他感謝本會長期以來支持該市的各項福利方案,今年又繼續慷慨捐贈該市三所公立小學生文具包。他提醒在場的學生們平時要吃營養食物、保持身心健康,同時勉勵大家有了資源之後要用心學習,才能實現自己的夢想。

簡短的致詞之後,John Reynald Tiangco市長及校長Florietta M. Quijano博士頒贈感謝狀予本會,由理事長黃書瑋及出席領導同仁一起接受。


上圖:(左、右小圖)理事長黃書瑋及John Reynald Tiangco市長致詞時影。中圖為本會捐贈的文具包。
中圖:頒贈感謝狀予本會。(左起第四)王明雄,蔡金東,黃書瑋,John Reynald Tiangco市長,校長Florietta M. Quijano博士,曾煥眉,黃志安,留牡丹,林文龍,許有福,許福星。