2024 CFBCI Table Tennis Cup, donation of PH flags to Manila - huge successes! 菲華工商總會與菲華乒聯同慶菲中友誼日假羅賓遜商場舉辦「工商盃」桌球邀請賽慶獨立節贈百面國旗予岷市副市長尼耶道

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in collaboration with the Table Tennis Association for National Development (TATAND), Robinsons Malls, and its media partners, CHiNOY TV and Chinatown TV, successfully held the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 CFBCI Table Tennis Cup last 01 June 2024 at the atrium of Robinsons Otis, Manila in celebration of the Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day.

The tournament was divided into three divisions: open, amateur, and veteran; attracting a total of 436 players from 109 teams from various universities and clubs in the Philippines. Moreover, players from Thailand, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan also participated in the competition. The opening ceremony was graced with the attendance of prominent individuals in the field of national sports including Mr. Stephen Hontiveros, Chairman of the Philippine Olympic Committee, and the Vice Mayor of the City of Manila, Hon. John Marvin “Yul Servo” C. Nieto.

In his welcome remarks, President Samuel Lee Uy of CFBCI said: “to all the participants, may you find this competition not only as a chance to win but also as a ground to form new bonds with new people. Achieving victory is great, but finding the people whom you can share your stories and dreams is also something worth fighting for.” He wished all the participating teams and players great success and new friendships. The ceremony was hosted by Mr. Charlie Lim, Honorary President of TATAND, and Ms. Mexica Bausa, English Secretary of CFBCI.

After the opening ceremony, CFBCI officers and members also conducted the turnover of the donation of one hundred (100) units of Philippine flags to Manila City Government in celebration of the National Flag Days and the 126th National Independence Day. Vice Mayor Nieto expressed his gratitude and appreciation for our annual flag donation and commended the patriotism of the organization and its commitment in promoting our national flag.



開幕典禮當天,菲律濱奧運委員會主席唐以正(Stephen C. Hontiveros)、馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會主席蔡臻蔚出席致詞祝賀,副市長尼耶道(Vice Mayor John Marvin Yul Servo Nieto),菲華體育總會副理事長陳輝煌,菲律賓乒乓總會榮譽會長吳文彬及菲華乒乓聯合會名譽會長林海利、黃承嶺等人,均到場共襄盛舉,為球員們加油打氣。





中圖三 :贈送國旗予馬尼拉市府(左起)吳治平,留牡丹,顏漢龍,施惠萍,曾煥眉,陳華民,蔡金東,黃書瑋,副市長尼耶道,蔡臻蔚,曾國強,李少平,洪香泉,許純維,莊南文,洪海濱。