CFBCI attends flag raising ceremony of Caloocan City Hall, donates PH flags for 126th Independence Day 菲華工商總會出席加洛干市政府升旗典禮贈嶄新國旗慶祝菲律濱一二六週年獨立節

On 10 June 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) conducted the turnover of the donation of one hundred (100) units of Philippine flag to the Caloocan City Hall during its flag raising ceremony. During the ceremony, CFBCI was warmly received by Caloocan City Councilor Alexander Caralde, Councilor Arnold T. Divina, Councilor Toto Devera, and City Administrator Aurora Ciego who all expressed their appreciation of the organization’s donation in celebration of the upcoming 126th Independence Day.

On behalf of Mayor Dale Gonzalo “Along” Malapitan, City Administrator Aurora Ciego welcomed CFBCI’s officers and members, thanking CFBCI for its annual flag donation and support to the city's various development programs. They also recognized and appreciated CFBCI’s patriotic fervor, and ensured that they would distribute the flags as soon as possible to all city agencies, public schools, police stations, fire stations, and hospitals to promote the patriotism among Caloocan citizens.

In keeping its good tradition, CFBCI has been sending brand new flags to major cities in Metro Manila and other provinces since the end of May to celebrate the National Flag Days and Independence Day of the Philippines. This year, it has already sent thousands of flags all over the country, which have been well received by government officials and citizens of all walks of life.

菲華工商總會訊:本會榮譽理事長黃拔來,執行副理事長曾國強,副理事長蔡金東, 福利委員會副主任許有福,文教委員會副主任許福星及同仁洪許汶玲,於六月十日(星期一)上午,代表本會參加加洛干市(Caloocan City)升旗典禮,同時贈送該市百面嶄新國旗,以迎接即將到來的菲律濱一二六週年獨立節,受到加洛干市市議員Alexander Caralde、市議員Arnold T. Divina、市議員Toto Devera及市政府行政官Aurora Ciego等熱情接待。

市政府行政官Aurora Ciego代表市長Dale Gonzalo “Along” Malapitan歡迎本會領導同仁的到訪,對本會長期捐贈國旗、支持該市各項發展方案等表示感謝,同時對本會的愛國熱忱予以肯定與讚賞,並表示會盡速將國旗分發到市府各個機關、公立學校、警察局、消防局及醫院,在獨立節當天懸掛,共同宣揚愛國精神。


下圖:贈送百面國旗予加洛干市政府。(左至右)許有福、洪許汶玲、許福星、蔡金東、曾國強、黃拔來、市議員Alexander Caralde、市議員Arnold T. Divina、市議員Toto De Vera及市政府行政官Aurora Ciego。