CFBCI donates PH flags to Malabon City Hall in celebration of National Flag Day 菲華工商總會贈嗎拉汶市府嶄新國旗慶祝菲律濱獨立節

On 21 May 2024, after visiting Navotas City Hall and the Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute (PMCI), at 2:00PM, CFBCI headed to Malabon City Hall for the turnover of one hundred (100) units of Philippine flags to be displayed by pertinent offices and areas in the city in celebration of the National Flag Day. CFBCI is deeply honored to be received by Mayor Jeannie Ng Sandoval, who has been a consistent partner of the organization in fostering positive change in many years.

President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Vicente Co, Director Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Eduardo Tiu, Vice Chairman Peter Chua, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Bruce Uy, Plenary Member Direck Uy, Plenary Member Nixon Co, Plenary Member Ramon Wong, Plenary Member Sheryl Tiu, and Member Johnny Chen participated in this series of turnover.

In a conversation with CFBCI officers and members, Mayor Sandoval highlighted the great importance of education in changing the lives of people. She said, “one life saved by education saves so many other lives,” hence CFBCI’s huge admiration for her commitment to expanding the support provided to college students in Malabon. At present, the City of Malabon University (CMU) supports at least 7,000 students every year.

CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy and Director Richard Alviar proudly shared with the Mayor that the CFBCI Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program has also been catering to the educational needs of selected students from Malabon City. Mayor Sandoval then thanked the organization for its continuous support to the younger generation who aspires to overcome poverty and succeed for their families.

That day, Malabon City was celebrating its 425th anniversary hence CFBCI’s immense gratitude for being accommodated by Mayor Sandoval despite the abundance of celebratory events in the city. All in all, on this day, CFBCI has been into three places for the flag donation turnover. It was a long yet fulfilling day for everyone who willingly participated in the activities.

菲華工商總會訊:為慶祝國旗日及迎接菲律賓獨立節即將到來,本會秉承歷年來的優良傳統,贈送大岷區及外省各大城市嶄新國旗,期盼於國慶期間在市府廣場、學校、醫院及其他政府辦公大樓前都能懸掛新國旗,促進我國人民的愛國情操。五月二十一日(星期二)下午,本會理事長黃書瑋,董事兼文教委員會主任曾煥眉,常務理事林文龍、許有福、蔡清景、葉啟龍,理事葉俊龍、許純維、王明雄、梁清江、佘玲玲,同仁莊嘉展及西文秘書梅西卡,前往嗎拉汶市政府,向華裔市長黃玉絲(Mayor Jeannie Ng Sandoval)捐贈了百面國旗。


