Building Confidence: CFBCI alumna from PUP facilitates seminar on how to become more confident and understand deeper growing pains 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦《樹立信心:瞭解成長的煩惱》講座

In the first quarter of the year, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) proudly presents the Life Skills and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) at Sky 1 Tower, Binondo, Manila, on April 21, 2024.

Before the commencement of the seminar, Mr. Richard Alviar greeted and reminded the scholars about the policies, attendance, and to prepare for the graduation program. Proceeding, in relation to the seminar’s topic, the hosts, Mr. Joie and Ms. Danna, asked their co-scholars if they consider themselves confident and their journey towards achieving that level of confidence. One of the scholars from UDM said that “hardships in life built my confidence”.

Subsequently, President Samuel Lee Uy greeted the scholars delightfully and started his Serendipity Talk about the “Lent Season”. He asked the graduating students to choose from Pope Francis’ Fasting Tips, and most of them explained the fifth tip, which is to “fast from worries and have trust in God.” Mr. Uy then ended his Serendipity with some advice, “in life, you will face lots of challenges, but instead of focusing on the negative side, focus on the positive ones."

Moving on, Mr. Uy requested the scholars to watch a video entitled “History of Trade Routes with Kishore Mahbubani” that was followed by a question, “as the President of the Philippines, what would you do about South China Sea?”. This was answered by a scholar from UP that “We can be pro-people without being neutral. Instead of pleasing western people, we should focus on building our own defense.”

Furthermore, the speaker of the talk titled “Building Confidence: Understanding your GROWING PAINS," Ms. Jannie Dell P. Garcia, is a CFBCI Alumna 2022 and a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Her talk revolves around the emotional difficulties experienced during adolescence and pre-adulthood.

Scholars then had an activity wherein they were able to look back to their childhood and be creative while writing down their experiences from their toddler, high school, and present years. This was followed by creating a circle form with their row mates and shared their written experiences with each other, which made the other scholars cry as they opened up wholeheartedly.

Lastly, the talk highlighted Self Transcendence, Happy Memories, and the Good Signs of Change, which includes letting yourself see the opportunities in front of you, allowing rich and eternal appreciation of your hard work, looking inward, and not letting struggles to keep you from your true potential. After a meaningful and creative discussion, scholars ate their lunch sponsored by Vice Chairman Linda Lao as she celebrated her birthday with CFBCI Scholars.


當天的主講人是二零二二學年以第二榮譽畢業於菲律濱理工大學(Polytechnic University of the Philippines),並獲得國際研究文學學士學位的受助生Jannie Del Garcia。本次講座主題為「樹立信心:瞭解成長的煩惱」。

講座開始前,首先由文教委員會主任曾煥眉致歡迎詞,接著理事長黃書瑋勉勵所有學員「在生活中,你會面臨很多挑戰,但與其關注消極的一面,不如關注積極的一面。」然後播放了基肖爾·馬凱碩 (Kishore Mahbubani) 的貿易路線歷史影片,觀看後,與學員們互動提問題:「假設你是菲律濱總統,你將如何處理南海問題?」一位就讀菲律濱國立大學的學員回答:「我們可以親民,但不能中立,與其討好西方人,不如專注於建設自我的防禦」。

