CFBCI attends the 16th Anniversary Celebration and Induction Ceremony of Federation of Filipino Chinese Alumni Association, Inc. 校友總十六週年慶暨新屆職員就職典禮菲華工商總會黃書瑋率同仁出席並致詞

On 10 March 2024, the officers of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by its President, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, attended the 16th Anniversary Celebration and Induction Ceremony of the Federation of Filipino Chinese Alumni Association, Inc. at East Ocean Palace Restaurant, Manila.

The event was graced with the active presence of several distinguished guests including the Consul General of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, His Excellency Wang Yue, and leaders of various Chinese community associations including the Vice President of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FFCCCI), Mr. Shih Wai-Lian.

On behalf of CFBCI, President Uy has delivered a speech congratulating the Association for achieving such milestone and inducting a new set of officers. The banquet was then filled with laughter and a friendly atmosphere.

The attendees became even more enthusiastic as the organizer facilitated the after-party celebration and raffle draw. Finally, the Vice President of FFCAA, Mr. Tsai Tien-Cherng, gave a speech to thank all the guests for coming to the occasion.





