CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy delivers captivating speech during the Divisoria Allied Fire Association, Inc. 42nd Anniversary Celebration and 18th Induction Ceremonies 菲律濱中路區聯友防火會新屆就職慶典菲華工商總會黃書瑋率同仁出席並致詞

In the evening of March 6, 2024 at the famous Century Seafood Restaurant, selected officers and members of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), led by President Samuel Lee Uy, attended the 42nd Anniversary Celebration and 18th Induction Ceremonies of the Divisoria Allied Fire Association, Inc.

Representatives of CFBCI extended their warmest congratulations to both the outgoing and incoming President of the organization - Mr. Henry Tiu and Mr. Ramon Wong - who are current Vice Chairman and Plenary Member of CFBCI, respectively. Esteemed guests from various organizations, institutions, and the government including Manila City Mayor Maria Shielah “Honey” Lacuna and Vice Mayor John Marvin “Yul Servo” Cruz Nieto, Manila District Fire Marshall Christine D. Cula, and Col. Edison Bong Nebrija of MMDA also graced the event with their presence.

In his speech, CFBCI President Uy assured the new President that CFBCI will continue to support the endeavors of the Divisoria Allied Fire Prevention Association, Inc. He also shared that Mr. Ramon Wong has served as President of the Manila Divisoria Lions Club for three terms and as Ex-Officio Vice President of the Association of Philippine Volunteer Fire Brigades, Inc.

“Aside from his exceptional community service background, President Wong is undeniably a humble, courageous, devoted, and tenacious individual who is worthy of admiration,” President Uy added.

As a sign of their gratitude and continuous mutual friendship, Divisoria Allied Fire Prevention Association, Inc. gave a stunning plaque of appreciation to CFBCI received by Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan and Vice President Paul Yeung on behalf of President Samuel Lee Uy.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋率領,名譽理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長曾國強,副理事長楊良田,董事鄭奕偉,常務理事洪海濱、林文龍、許福星偕夫人陳莉莉、莊南文、葉啟龍,理事梁清江及同仁洪瑞鴻、許汶玲、洪連杭等人於二零二四年三月六日(星期三)下午,應邀出席中路區聯友防火會假馬尼拉世紀海鮮餐廳,隆重舉行慶祝成立四十二週年暨第十八屆隊員、志願消防隊員就職典禮,由名譽理事長許有福擔任大會主席(亦為本會常務理事),本會理事王明雄眾望所歸榮膺新屆理事長,實至名歸,可喜可賀。永遠名譽理事長葉清萍監誓,菲華志願消防隊總會副理事長楊國榮主講。馬尼拉市長拉庫娜(Maria Sheilah Honrado “Honey” Lacuna-Pangan) 、副市長尼耶道(John Marvin “Yul Servo" Cruz Nieto),菲律濱消防署副署長Wilberto Rico Neil A. Kwan Tiu,馬尼拉市消防局長Christine D. Cula,馬尼拉大岷開發署訓交通學院院長Edison Bong Nebrija及菲華志願消防隊總會理事長楊濟誠等人,與本會理事長黃書瑋先後上台致詞。現場賓客雲集、高朋滿座,場面盛大而熱鬧。


