CFBCI chorale serenades Binondo in its 2024 Chinese New Year celebration 菲華工商總會「點亮未來」合唱團「華星之夜」美妙歌聲博得滿堂彩

On February 10, 2024, twenty-five scholars and alumni of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program performed in the Chinese New Year celebration organized by the City Government of Manila, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippines, and major Chinese community organizations. The extravagant event was held at San Lorenzo Ruiz Plaza at the heart of Binondo, Manila.

Hon. John Marvin “Yul Servo” Cruz Nieto, Vice Mayor of Manila; His Excellency Wang Yue, Counselor and Consul General of Chinese Embassy, and other dignitaries graced the event with their invaluable presence. The audience was extremely delighted with the dazzling lights, colorful decorations, and lively performances made to warmly welcome the Year of the Wooden Dragon.

The CFBCI chorale performed the song, “Da Zhong Guo” (The Great China), making the audience glimmer with pride and joy. Some could not resist to sing along with the beautiful song which celebrates the ephemeral beauty of China. The event was successfully concluded with the presentation of appreciation plaques to all participating organizations and schools.


馬尼拉市副市長John Marvin “Yul Servo" Cruz Nieto,中國駐菲使館參贊兼總領事王悅,僑務處施偉健領事,馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會主席蔡臻蔚,馬尼拉華人區描籠涯主席劉少強和政商人士、菲華友好團體嘉賓等應邀出席,共同慶祝新春佳節,會場冠蓋雲集,熠熠生輝,場面喜氣洋洋,熱鬧非凡。


