CFBCI joins the Ceremonial Lighting of Prosperity Tree in the world’s oldest and largest Chinatown - Binondo 菲華工商總會領導出席華人區春節倒計時亮燈儀式謝國萬:岷倫洛430歷史是中菲友好源遠流長見證

On 01 February 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), represented by President Stephen Sia and Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, participated in the ceremonial lighting of the Prosperity Tree in San Lorenzo Ruiz Plaza, Binondo, Manila in celebration of the 430th anniversary of Binondo which is hailed as the oldest and largest Chinatown in the whole world.

The event was organized by the City Government of Manila led by Honorable Mayor Maria Shielah “Honey” Lacuna, Manila Chinatown Development Council led by Chairman Willord Chua, Manila Chinatown Barangay Organization led by Chairman Jefferson Lau, and the Department of Tourism, Culture and Arts of Manila.

The event began at six o’clock in the evening with a marvelous series of performances by the Manila Band which played several lively Filipino and Chinese songs. Afterwards, dancers and Wu Shu performers provided entertainment to the enthusiastic audience comprising of various Chinoy organization leaders, local government officials including Majority Floor Leader Atty. Ernesto ‘Jong’ Isip and local councilors, and the ecstatic people of Manila.

Mayor Lacuna, Congressman Joel Chua, and Hon. Sharlene Zabala-Batin, NCR Regional Director of the Department of Tourism led the Eye-Dotting Ceremony of the colorful lions which danced gracefully afterwards. Manila City Administrator Bernardino C. Ang delivered the welcoming remarks expressing Manila government’s passion to continue developing Binondo.

Honored to deliver a congratulatory message, President Sia emphasized in this speech: “I am extremely proud of the fact that Manila Chinatown has been the oldest and largest Chinatown in the world. Established on March 29, 1594, Manila Chinatown or Binondo continues to stand as a dynamic center of trade and commerce, and a melting pot of rich traditions especially of Filipinos and Chinese people. As we know, almost every major city in other countries has a Chinatown, but there is no Chinatown quite like Binondo.”

Moreover, he hoped that all of us will continue to cherish the gifts that Binondo has been offering to us throughout its four hundred and thirty years of existence. “Let us rejoice and welcome the Year of the Wooden Dragon with renewed hope for a brighter future and extended commitment in fostering positive change in the lives of others,” President Sia said.

Afterwards, Hon. Zabala-Batin also gave a speech recognizing the contribution of Binondo in cultivating Filipino-Chinese culture. She mentioned that the City of Manila has received two international awards recently namely: “Global Tourism Resilience Award” for economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic; and “World’s Leading City Destination” at the World Travel Awards 2023.

Congressman Chua and Mayor Lacuna also gave their messages, each highlighting the huge role Binondo is playing in promoting local tourism. After the program, a breathtaking fireworks display commenced with terrific firecrackers lighting up the sky and sealing off the ceremony with a lively conclusion.

菲華工商總會訊:為迎接即將到來的甲辰龍年暨慶祝世界最古老、規模最大的馬尼拉唐人街建立四百三十週年,由馬尼拉市政府,馬尼拉華人區發展委員會,華人區描籠涯組織及馬尼拉觀光、文化、藝術局等單位聯合華社各團體,於二月一日(星期四)下午,假座岷倫洛花園口廣場,共同舉行亮燈儀式。馬尼拉市長拉庫娜(Mayor Honey Lacuna-Pangan)、馬尼拉第三區眾議員蔡促依(Atty. Joel Chua)、馬尼拉市議員、馬尼拉市府行政官洪英鐘(Bernie Ang)、華人區發展委員會主席蔡臻蔚、華人區描籠涯組織主席劉少強,菲律濱觀光部首都地區辦事處處長Sharlene Zabala-Batin及各主要華社團體代表和各媒體,均到場共襄盛舉。本會理事長謝國萬偕同執行副理事長黃書瑋亦受邀出席。


下午六時由市長拉庫娜、眾議員蔡促依及處長Sharlene Zabala-Batin等人為醒獅點睛,隨後表演祥獅獻瑞。市府行政官洪英鐘致歡迎詞時說,馬尼拉市政府將會為岷倫洛的永續發展繼續努力。市長拉庫娜及眾議員蔡促依也分別先後上台致詞,並且肯定岷倫洛對當地觀光業的貢獻。觀光部首都地區辦事處處長Sharlene Zabala-Batin也發表了講話,她提到馬尼拉市最近獲得了兩個國際獎項,即新冠大流行後經濟復蘇的「全球旅遊恢復力獎」,以及二零二三年世界旅遊獎的「世界領先城市目的地」。



中圖:理事長謝國萬、蔡臻蔚主席與出席活動的華社團體代表合影;市長拉庫娜、眾議員蔡促依及處長Sharlene Zabala-Batin與醒獅合影。