Growing deeper roots: CFBCI alumna from UP Diliman facilitates seminar on how to become more resilient this year 菲華工商總會為「點亮未來」受助生舉辦《如何於二○二四年成為有彈性的人》講座

2024 is stepping into a realm of growth and resilience.

Starting the year, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) proudly presents the Life Skills, and Motivational Seminar (LSMS) at Sky 1 Tower, Binondo, Manila, on January 21, 2024 aiming to help the CFBCI Scholars grow deeper roots and become more resilient in the face of adversity. The seminar provided valuable insights into the aspirations and challenges faced not by just the scholars but by Filipino youth as a whole, as well as strategies to enhance their adversity quotient and resilience.

The speaker of the talk entitled “Growing Deeper Roots: How to Be More Resilient in 2024," is our very own Mexica Múlat Bausa, CFBCI Alumna 2023 and a Cum Laude graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of the Philippines Diliman. Her talk revolves around her own road to resilience, offering a roadmap for CFBCI Scholars to navigate and overcome challenges, emphasizing the importance of mindset, perspective, and practical strategies in enhancing resilience.

Firstly, Ms. Bausa’s triumph over shattered self-esteem delivers a powerful message – appearances are overrated, and it's never one's fault to be mistreated. The takeaway: disappoint your haters and find strength to succeed without engaging in unnecessary battles.

Secondly, Ms. Bausa’s encourages celebrating one's gifts and talents without fear of judgment. Her realization that not everyone needs to appreciate these talents underscores the importance of courage fueling one's unique abilities. This reminder inspires the scholars to embrace their gifts boldly.

Thirdly, Ms. Bausa’s transformation from envy to grace highlights the significance of accepting life's outcomes and refraining from self-antagonization. This reminder teaches the value of stopping negative self-talk and granting oneself the grace to learn and grow.

Fourthly, Ms. Bausa’s revelation about solitude dispels the notion that being alone equates to misery. Instead, it champions the idea that being alone is better than being with the wrong company. This reminder empowers the CFBCI scholars to prioritize genuine connections over superficial ones.

Lastly, Ms. Bausa’s journey emphasizes the importance of patience and faith in His timing. In a society conditioned for speed and instant success, her reminder encourages youth to trust the process, recognizing that significant achievements often require time and perseverance.

Incorporating these gentle reminders with the seven strategies presented in the seminar provides a holistic approach for the scholars. By adopting Ms. Bausa’s inspirational takeaways, scholars can build resilience, overcome challenges, and navigate towards a future filled with self-love, courage, and a profound sense of purpose.

After the very meaningful and productive discussion, scholars stayed for cleaning the whole area and the CFBC Chorale stayed for their practice in preparation for the Chinese New Year.


本月的主講人是二○二三年以優異成績(Cum Laude)畢業於菲律濱國立大學政治學系的受助生梅西卡(Mexica Múlat Bausa),現任職於本會秘書處,擔任英文外交工作。講座的主題為「紮根更深:如何於二○二四年成為有彈性的人」。




