CFBCI launches Handog sa Kabataang Atleta Project in Balibago Elementary School, Batangas 菲華工商總會巡訪團抵描東岸向當地公立小學捐贈體育器材

In the early morning of December 1, 2023, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy led a group that went to Barangay Liponpon located in Isla Verde, Batangas for the official turnover ceremony of the ‘Poso Mula sa Puso’ project on the island. The residents of Liponpon expressed their vast support and gratitude for the project which will provide enhanced access to clean water in the island.

Later in the afternoon, a separate group led by CFBCI President Stephen Sia arrived at Balibago Elementary School in Batangas for the launch of its ‘Handog sa Kabataang Atleta’ project which involved the donation of chess and table tennis materials to the aspiring student athletes. The school principal, Ms. Marivic De Castro, and the barangay chairman of Balibago, Mr. Michael T. Alday, both thanked the organization for its generosity.

In their speeches, Ms. Maridel T. Alday, president of the school Education Committee, Ms. Ellen M. Gipega, president of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and Ms. Rachelle Ann P. Arnoza, president of the School Board of Directors, also expressed their immense appreciation for the kind gesture of CFBCI to their beloved students. The students also performed a lively dance for the delegation.

In his speech, President Sia said that CFBCI is hoping that through this small gesture of kindness, the students will be more interested in playing sports and eventually aspire to become excellent athletes. Aside from this project, CFBCI has been engaged in many projects aiming to foster better quality of education which will benefit young people, especially in remote areas where educational resources are scarce.

菲華工商總會訊:本會外省巡迴訪問團最後一站於十二月一日(星期五)兵分兩路前往描東岸市,當天凌晨五點多,本會執行副理事長黃書瑋與理事黃清秒,乘車從馬尼拉出發,在描東岸市與本會地區常務理事黃志安、地區理事柯吉平及同仁陳茂添會面再一起前往海岸邊,與Liponpon Isla Verde島市議員Dahyo Baja Jr.及描籠涯主席Alfredo Baja Jr.等集合,一同乘船到描東岸Liponpon Isla Verde島,移交本會所捐贈的「愛心水井」抽水機,和視察其工程進行,受到當地民眾熱烈歡迎。

稍晚另外一團由理事長謝國萬親自帶隊,成員:副理事長施茵茵,常務理事柯仁義、林文龍,理事留牡丹、顏漢龍、謝榮全,同仁楊良強、顏孫發、梁清江,秘書處成員蔡艷霞,吳宛盈,Mexica Bausa於上午九點多從馬尼拉出發,前往描東岸Balibago 公立小學移交本會捐贈的體育器材,受到該校教務主任Marivic D. De Castro帶領全體師生及家長會成員熱情接待,並舉行移交儀式。當地描籠崖主席Michael T. Alday亦受邀出席見證。

儀式開始,由學校教務主任Marivic D. De Castro致歡迎詞;描東岸Balibago小學學生表演舞蹈;特別嘉賓描籠崖主席Michael T. Alday致詞時對本會慷慨捐贈,協助該社區公立學校推動體育教學與運動類型的社團發展,讓孩子們能有更多元的學習,表示衷心的感謝。同時,也希望能有更多像本會一樣富有愛心的人士能積極參與,讓學生們能更好的參加體育活動,增強身體素質,促進健康成長。

教育委員會主席Maridel T. Alday、家長教師會主席Ellen M. Gipega、校董會主席 Rachelle Ann P. Arnoza分別上台表達感謝之情;學生代表Eron G. Roallos致詞時激動地表示,會在體育鍛煉中享受樂趣、增強體質、鍛煉意志,好好珍惜資源,好好學習,努力使自己早日成才,回饋家鄉,回報社會。接著雙方進行移交儀式,校方贈送感謝狀予本會,由巡訪團領導、成員代表接受。

本會理事長謝國萬在移交儀式後致詞時表示,這次的「培養支援運動員」體育用品捐贈活動,本會為提升描東岸Balibago小學在體育質量上的發展,盡了一份微薄之力,希望藉由這樣的拋磚引玉讓更多的資源可以進入到偏鄉學校,用體育傳遞希望,共同攜手關愛兒童,一起用愛灌溉孩子的夢想、守護孩子的未來 ,為鄉村教育帶來更多溫暖,讓孩子們快樂成長。


上左小圖:(上至下)謝國萬,Marivic D. De Castro, Michael T. Alday分別致詞。
右上圖:移交儀式上合影(左起)學生代表Eron G. Roallos,校董會主席Rachelle Ann P. Arnoza,家長教師會主席Ellen M. Gipega,教育委員會主席Maridel T. Alday,描籠崖主席Michael T. Alday,顏孩發,教務主任 Marivic D. De Castro,留牡丹,顏漢龍,柯仁義,謝國萬,謝榮全,施茵茵,蔡艷霞,林文龍,楊智強,梁清江。
右下圖:描東岸Balibago小學向本會頒贈感謝狀(左起)顏漢龍,林文龍,楊智強,留牡丹,柯仁義,施茵茵,謝國萬,Marivic D. De Castro,梁清江,Michael T. Alday,Maridel T. Alday,顏孫發,Ellen M. Gipega,Rachelle Ann P. Arnoza,謝榮全。
下圖:於本會捐贈的乒乓球桌前合影(左起)Adopt-a-school Coordinator Edna E. Dimayuga,黃志安,謝國萬,柯仁平,陳茂添。