CFBCI participates in Christmas Rice Drive for Manila residents 菲華工商總會積極參與聖誕節慈善濟貧出席華人區描籠涯協會花園口贈米活動

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), represented by President Stephen Sia, Corporate Secretary Henry Go, and Plenary Member Ramon Cheng, sponsored a Christmas Rice Drive for the less fortunate residents of Manila, a project organized by the Manila Chinatown Barangay Association led by President Jefferson Lau. The distribution was held last December 22, 2023 at the Plaza Lorenzo Ruiz.

Through the generosity of various Chinese-Filipino associations, the drive was able to distribute a total of 7,500 bags of rice containing five kilograms each to the residents. Manila City Mayor Honey Lacuna and Vice Mayor Yul Servo Nieto attended the distribution, and expressed their deepest gratitude to the enthusiastic donors including CFBCI.

As a symbol of gratitude, MCBO President Lao presented a certificate of appreciation to each of the leaders of the organizations. Afterwards, the rice bags were given to the residents who lined up in an orderly fashion with huge smiles on their faces.

While this year is just the second time that CFBCI participated in MCBO’s Christmas Rice Drive, CFBCI has been actively participating in various disaster relief and poverty reduction activities organized by local governments and organizations within and beyond the Chinese-Filipino community.

CFBCI is hoping that through this small gesture of kindness, the people of Manila will feel the true essence of Christmas -to help those in need without hesitation and to be thankful for life’s blessings, big or small.



