CFBCI visits Batangas, facilitates turnover of Poso Mula sa Puso project donation to Isla Verde 菲華工商總會赴描東岸外省巡迴訪問移交愛心水井予Isla Verde島當地政府

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has reached the final stop of its series of regional business forums around the country. On the early morning of December 1, 2023, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy led a group of CFBCI officers and members on a trip to Barangay Liponpon that is located in the remote island of Isla Verde in Batangas. The group was received warmly by the Councilor of Isla Verde, Mr. Dahyo Baja Jr. and other local government officials.

Through the pristine waters of Batangas, the group has sailed to Isla Verde using small boats. When they arrived at the town, local men, women, and children have expressed their gratitude and excitement with colorful welcome banners and by approaching the members of the group to thank them personally.

Afterwards, Executive Vice President Uy led the turnover ceremony of the Poso Mula sa Puso project in the said barangay. The donation of an electric water pump worth P150,000 will enhance the access of local residents to clean water which is an essential part of daily living. Through CFBCI’s kind gesture, the people of Barangay Liponpon, especially the elderly, women, and children, will no longer have to endure a thousand steps to the nearby river to fetch clean water.

After the ceremony, a simple yet sumptuous lunch featuring delicious and heartwarming local dishes was served to the group.

The Poso Mula sa Puso is a program of CFBCI that started in 2004 in cooperation with local governments that aims to install hand-pumped wells in poverty-stricken and remote areas to help residents solve water insufficiency, improve sanitation, and enhance the quality of life. Since its inception, the program has constructed more than 300 wells throughout the country, which has been well recognized by local governments and especially by the grassroots communities.

菲華工商總會訊:本會外省巡迴訪問團最後一站安排到描東岸。十二月一日(星期五)凌晨五點多,本會執行副理事長黃書瑋與理事黃清秒,從馬尼拉出發前,在描東岸市與地區常務理事黃志安、地區理事柯吉平及同仁陳茂添會面一起前往海岸邊,與Liponpon Isla Verde島市議員Dahyo Baja Jr.及描籠涯主席Alfredo Baja Jr.等集合,一同乘坐船隻,前往描東岸Liponpon Isla Verde島,移交本會所捐贈的「愛心水井」抽水機,和視察其工程進行。抵達時受到島上男女老少拉歡迎橫條熱情迎接,向本會領導致謝,中午還準備了豐富午餐款待,純樸風味人情濃,令人盛情難卻。

本會於九月份收到描東岸省偏遠山區Liponpon Isla Verde描籠涯主席Alfredo Baja Jr.來函請求幫助該山區居民解決用水問題,經過本會描東岸地區常務理事黃志安實地走訪,確認該島居民每天需要來來回回上下一千多個階梯到下面河裡挑水,供家人日常使用,對於婦老孩童生活很是不便。本會瞭解情況後通過支助十五萬元批索,幫助當地建設發電抽水設施,以改善供水問題。並於九月二十六日透過地區常務理事黃志安、許建陽和理事柯吉平代表本會,向Liponpon Isla Verde市市議員Dahyo Baja Jr. 移交捐款,該方案惠及島上一千多戶居民。

本會「愛心水井」(POSO MULA SA PUSO)方案始於二零零四年,聯合地方政府深入貧瘠地區,置入人力手泵水井,協助居民解決飲水、用水問題,改善衛生環境,提升生活品質,故稱為「愛心水井」。該方案自啟動以來,現已在全國各地建設了三百多口水井,深得本國各地方政府的認同,尤獲基層民眾肯定。

上中圖:向本會頒感謝狀(左起)理事黃清秒,描籠涯成員Nilo E. Baja,描籠涯成員Guillermo G. Ebora,執行副理事長黃書瑋,市議員Dahyo Baja Jr.,本會描東岸常務理事黃志安,地區理事柯吉平,同仁陳茂添。