CFBCI treats batch 2023 scholarship graduates a fun getaway to Subic, Zambales 菲華工商總會獎勵點亮未來助學方案2023年應屆畢業生前往蘇比克郊遊

In the early morning of November 18, 2023, a total of 35 graduates and student officers of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program accompanied by CFBCI bosses namely: Director William Rogando, Senior Adviser Richard Alviar, Plenary Member Jefferson Cheng, Plenary Member Linda Lao, and Director Rogando’s daughter, Angel Rogando, and Plenary Member Lao’s daughter, Aileen Yang, and scholarship coordinator Lorna Bello, begin their journey from Cagsawa Bus Station in Quezon City to Twin Cove Resort Hotel in Subic, Zambales co-owned by CFBCI Vice President Gerald Uy Chan.

During the ride to Subic, the graduates and students were very excited and enthusiastic about the day ahead. For breakfast, hot and delicious siopao was distributed to each of them, courtesy of Plenary Member Cheng.

When they arrived, everyone happily took group photos with VP Chan and enjoyed a yummy morning snack. Afterwards, various games were facilitated by Ms. Mexica Bausa, in which the winners received cash prizes courtesy of Director Rogando. The graduates and students were all smiles and giggles as they played balloon race in the patio of the resort.

After the game, the graduates and students went island hopping. Four boats left the resort and transported the passengers to a nearby island. Everyone was marveled by the beauty of the sea. The young people were also very brave to climb up the stony hill leading to the lighthouse. After the quick trip, they all went back safely to the resort.

Then, lunchtime came and sumptuous dishes were served by the resort. Lechon was also feasted by everyone, courtesy of VP Chan. While taking a rest, the graduates and students took turns in singing karaoke in the function room. Afterwards, the fun games have resumed.

At the beautiful shore, the graduates and students played sack race, calamansi relay, tug of war, and flour relay. The place was filled with continuous laughter and cheers. Once the games were done, everyone roamed around the resort to swim and take nice pictures. A delicious afternoon snack was also served.

Before riding the bus home, Senior Adviser Yao and Plenary Member Cheng gave a short inspirational speech to the young people. They reminded them to plan for the next five years of their lives and to keep on striving for their dreams. Several scholars replied in great thanks and admiration of their kind words and how the Organization has helped them to finish their dream courses and become kind-hearted individuals.

At almost nine o’clock in the evening, the bus finally arrived at the bus station and one by one, everyone went back to their homes. To each of them, this is not yet goodbye but rather the start of a new journey.

菲華工商總會訊:今年九月,本會為「點亮未來」助學方案的廿九位以傑出成績完成學業,取得大學學位的學員們舉辦了結業典禮。今年應屆畢業生成績非常優異,勝過往年,其中有九位獲得第二最高榮譽(Magna Cum Laude),四位獲得第三最高榮譽(Cum Laude)。本會除了在典禮上頒發獎狀與手機做為獎勵品外,文教委員會的諸位領導更是當場許諾,要為他們籌備一場難忘的畢業郊遊,犒賞他們克服家境貧窮的困難,努力追求上進的精神。

十一月十八日(星期六)凌晨,在本會董事杜祖蔭、常務顧問曾煥眉、理事張其安、留牡丹、楊佳玲的帶隊下,卅五名「點亮未來」助學方案應屆畢業生和學友會成員,從計順市的Cagsawa巴士站出發,前往由副理事長曾國強主有的三描禮士蘇比克雙子灣渡假酒店(Twin Cove Resort Hotel)郊遊。


抵達渡假酒店,副理事長曾國強與酒店工作人員早早拉起歡迎橫條在那裡迎接本會領導及學員們的到來。經過一陣休整,由秘書處英文秘書,亦是應屆畢業於菲律濱國立大學(University of the Philippines),榮獲第三最高榮譽的Mexica Bausa主持各項遊戲活動,有拉繩、坐汽球、跳布袋等等比賽,整個遊戲過程,渡假村海灘充滿了笑聲和歡呼聲,最後每個人都獲得豐富獎金。



下圖:在Twin Cove Resort Hotel合影留念。