CFBCI joins PNP RMFB NCRPO in its 50th Founding Anniversary celebration 菲華工商總會出席菲國警首都區機動部隊成立五十年慶獲頒感謝牌蔡金東代表接受

On behalf of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) President, Mr. Stephen Sia, Vice President Willy Chua Kim Tong and Plenary Member Ramon Uy attended the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Philippine National Police Regional Mobile Force Battalion, National Capital Region Police Office (RMFB NCRPO) on last November 22, 2023 (Wednesday), 9:00 AM at NCRPO Hinirang Multipurpose Hall, Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, Taguig City.

The event with the theme: “Ang Makabagong Alagad sa Bagong Panahon,” was held to acknowledge and recognize the RMFB personnel for their exceptional work and notable accomplishments, as well as the Battalion Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development (BAGPTD), stakeholders, Advocacy Support Group, and values life coaches who helped and supported the battalion to carry out its projects.

PMGEN Jose Melencio C. Nartatez, Jr., the newly promoted Regional Director of NCRPO, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the valiant members of RMFB NCRPO, led by PCOL Mario P. Malana, Acting Force Commander, for the Battalion’s unwavering commitment to ensuring public safety, relentless efforts in combating crime, drugs, and terrorism, and construction of cutting-edge facilities.

Among the Battalion’s consistent partners in carrying out projects that will provide assistance to grassroots communities, is CFBCI. To express their utmost appreciation of CFBCI’s support throughout the years, RMFB NCRPO provided a plaque of appreciation received by Mr. Kim Tong and Mr. Uy during the ceremony. CFBCI is very grateful for this recognition and aims to pursue more projects with the Battalion.

Along with this event, there was also a blessing and inauguration of the newly constructed and renovated facilities coinciding with the 100-day incumbency of the undersigned. PCOL Malana led a series of significant renovations and upgrades to its facilities.

During the said event, PMGEN Jose Melencio C. Nartatez Jr., Regional Director, praised the efforts and conducted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly renovated main gate along with the Office of the Force Commander.

菲華工商總會訊:十一月廿二日(星期三)上午,本會副理事長蔡金東,理事顏漢龍受理事長謝國萬委託,出席假 Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, Taguig City軍營,舉行的菲律濱國家員警首都區機動部隊成立五十週年慶典。

新晉升的員警首都區總監Jose Melencio C. Nartatez Jr.將軍在致詞時,向Mario P. Malana上校領導的首都區員警機動部隊的英勇成員,表示衷心的祝賀。感謝該部隊堅定不移地致力於確保公共安全,在打擊犯罪、毒品和恐怖主義方面做出的不懈努力。


上圖:本會受頒感謝牌(左四起)Mario P. Malana上校,Jose Melencio C. Nartatez Jr.將軍,蔡金東。
下左圖:(左起)Jose Melencio C. Nartatez Jr.將軍,蔡金東,顏漢龍在慶典上合影。