CFBCI President Sia attends “A Thousand Sparkles of Christmas” at Lucky Chinatown 菲華工商總會謝國萬應美加廣場邀約出席「聖誕節的千盞火花」亮燈活動

On the night of November 7, 2023, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. President, Mr. Stephen Sia, enthusiastically attended Lucky Chinatown’s event “A Thousand Sparkles of Christmas.”

The event was graced by the attendance of Vice Mayor Yul Servo Nieto, esteemed guests from the Filipino-Chinese community, and officials from the Manila Government.

Ms. Norico Mizoguchi, General Manager of the Lucky Chinatown Mall, delivered a heart-warming speech which entailed the gratitude of the establishment to its consistent supporters and generous partners. As the Christmas day is fast-approaching, the spirit of gift-giving and hope is in the air.

“A Thousand Sparkles of Christmas” is co-organized with Ronnie Liang Project Ngiti Foundation Inc. which was established in 2022. This Foundation aims to help the children with cleft lip and palate with their free surgery including transportation and maintenance medicine.

After the welcome remarks, the lighting of the giant Christmas tree commenced as well as the ceremonial ringing of the bell. Then, marvelous song and dance performances by the Manila Symphony, Papuri Singers, and Hand Bell Ringers were witnessed.

On behalf of CFBCI, Mr. Sia is very glad to become a part of this event which, like the organization, intends to foster positive change in the lives of Filipinos.

菲華工商總會訊:十一月七日(星期二)晚上,本會理事長謝國萬偕同理事莊南文,應邀出席美加廣場舉行的「聖誕節的千盞火花」亮燈活動和聖誕敲鈴儀式。該活動是由美加廣場與著名歌手Ronnie Liang所創立的「Ronnie Liang Project Ngiti基金會」共同舉辦的。當晚,除了主辦方領導,馬尼拉副市長Yul Servo Nieto、第三區眾議員Joel Chua、馬尼拉市旅遊文化藝術部主任Charlie Dungo、菲華有關社團的貴賓及政府官員出席了此次活動。

美加廣場購物中心總經理Norico Mizoguchi致歡迎詞,她表示:非常感謝忠實的支持者和慷慨的合作夥伴,使即將來臨的聖誕節,瀰漫在歡樂的購物和希望的氛圍中。從即日起,美加廣場中庭將擺滿Ronnie Liang先生的周邊商品,所得款項將由「Ronnie Liang Project Ngiti基金會」捐贈給兔唇患兒進行免費修復手術,其中包括交通和醫藥費。馬尼拉副市長Yul Servo Nieto 致詞祝賀民眾能有個平安、祥和的聖誕節。

「Ronnie Liang Project Ngiti基金會」創辦人Ronnie Liang致詞時表示,希望能借著聖誕節,讓您能夠在同時買東西兼做公益,給兔唇兒童貢獻愛與溫暖,使他們擁有燦爛的笑容。這是我對於做公益這份心所盡的棉薄之力,隨後演唱了兩首歌曲。振奮人心的演講,獲得熱烈的掌聲。

現場還邀請到嘉南中學Hand Bell Ringers和芭蕾舞蹈隊及馬尼拉西洋樂團、Papuri Singers表演了精彩的歌舞音樂節目。

上圖:出席貴賓在聖誕樹前合影(左起)馬尼拉華人區描籠涯組織主席劉少強,馬尼拉市旅遊文化藝術部主任Charlie Dungo,謝國萬,第三區眾議員Joel Chua,馬尼拉副市長Yul Servo Nieto,基金會創辦者Ronnie Liang,菲華商聯總會秘書長助理陳光燦,描籠涯293主席Marissa Alejandro,美加廣場集團總經理Mark Louie Sta. Ana,美加廣場總經理Norico Mizoguchi。
下圖:會場合影(左起)莊南文,謝國萬,Marissa Alejandro,劉少強。