On the last day of the three-day regional visit, the eighteen-member delegation of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) from Metro Manila, accompanied by CFBCI Naga Coordinator, Mr. Lin and Secretary General of the Naga City Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Yap, visited the 65-year-old Naga Hope Christian School and was warmly received by the school administration officials and faculty members.
They were gladly greeted by the school’s Board Director, Mr. Wang; English Department Principal, Ms. Lei; Naga Chinese Christian Church Pastor, Mr. Liu; Chinese Language Director, Mr. Li; and the teachers. Then, the delegation was led to the school visitors’ area for a quick chit-chat and took a tour around the school campus to interact with the students.
Afterwards, the delegation visited W.L. Foods factory owned by Mr. Henry Lo Lim, CFBCI Vice President. The factory produces beverages, 3-in-1 coffee, biscuits, corn chips, corn snacks and instant noodles. To date, W.L. Foods is one of the largest snack food manufacturers in the Philippines and was established in August 1986.
For more than two decades, the company has been adhering to its founding principle, “quality products are the key to success," and its products have been widely patronized by the public. Steaming hot coffee was served in the visitors’ room, and various kinds of juice drinks, biscuits and snacks were served to the members of the delegation, and gift packs were prepared for them to take home.
The tour ended with a visit to the famous Basilica of Our Lady of Peñafrancia. The church has a 1710 statue of the Virgin Mary from Spain. It is a Roman Catholic Pontifical Shrine where the statue of Our Lady of Peñafrancia is enshrined, and is one of the largest pilgrimage sites of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in Asia.
The tour ended smoothly, and CFBCI would like to thank its local colleagues and Chinese businessmen in the Bicol region for their generosity and amicable hospitality.
菲華工商總會訊:本會的外埠巡迴訪問團在米骨地區的最後一天,巡訪團成員在本會那牙地區理事林國勝和那牙市菲華商會秘書長葉竹民陪同下,造訪了具有六十五年歷史的那牙嘉南中學,受到該校總負責人、中華基督教會長老、董事會董事王志超,英文部校長Lei Gueriba,那牙中華基督教會牧師劉斌,中文主任李閒月及教師們的熱情迎接,在接待室招待巡訪團成員舉辦座談,並遊覽校園,與學生們互動。
接著參觀了本會林天德副理事長主有的W.L. FOODS食品廠。該廠主要生產飲料、三合一咖啡、餅乾、玉米片、玉米零食和泡麵等產品。W.L. FOODS是菲律濱最大的休閒食品生產商之一,成立於1986年8月。二十多年來公司秉持著其創業宗旨「優質的產品是成功的關鍵」,產品得到了社會大眾的認可。招待室的桌子上泡好了咖啡,和各式各樣的果汁飲料、餅乾及零食招待巡訪團成員,並為每位成員準備禮包。
最後,參觀了當地著名的Basilica of Our Lady of Peñafrancia教堂。該教堂擁有雕刻於一七一零年來自西班牙的聖母像。是一座羅馬天主教宗座聖殿,佩納福拉西亞聖母像供奉於此,這裡也是亞洲最大的聖母朝聖地之一。
本會的外省巡迴訪問團第四站米骨區,由理事長謝國萬帶隊,成員:執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、蔡金東、林天德,常務理事林文龍、鄭奕偉、許福星偕夫人陳莉莉、朱肖華偕女婿陳東權,理事顏漢龍、王輝益偕公子王志龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞,秘書處聯絡吳宛盈,英文外交Mexica Bausa一行十八人,三天兩夜Legazpi,Tabaco,Naga行程圓滿結束,可謂收獲頗豐,盡興而歸。
中圖二:巡訪團參觀副理事長林天德的W.L. FOODS食品廠合影。
下左圖:在W.L. FOODS食品廠招待室合影。
下右圖:參觀Basilica of Our Lady of Peñafrancia教堂。